Archive for December, 2013

Morning all my Blog followers! Sorry I have been MIA on here the past few days! I’m not really sure how much I’ll be on here this week either. Our Vacation started Christmas Day and we will end the 4th. And even tho we have been on vacation we have not been slacking at all with crossfit. We found a box in Orlando (Crossfit OCD) that we love! If you live in Orlando I recommend them 100%! The owner is great, The gym is great and the wods he does are hard! And if you are in to the competing mode of crossfit then you crave the hard wods. He makes you work if you want to RX the wod. And that is how it is at our home box so to be able to find it here also was great. We also found out what the first 2 WODs will be for the Garage Games!!!! We did a practice run though the other day and will be doing it again soon! The first WOD is 4 minute AMRAP of ascending Ladder Power cleans (75lbs) and Burpees, And then you get a one minute rest in between and the next is 21-15-9 KB (35lbs) And Wallballs (14lbs). It kicks your butt! Soooo Did y’all have a great Christmas?! And did Santa bring you everything you wanted? What was your Favorite gift? So far mine has been this vacation! lol We are doing our christmas New years day so I’ll have to update y’all. Well here are a few pics of our how week has been going so far! 🙂









I’m so excited it’s Christmas Eve! Bryden will have his first Christmas eve and Christmas here and then we are going to Orlando and he will have another one down there! Santa got a letter to let him know that Bryden would be down there! 😉 Two Birthday celebrations two Christmas celebrations what a lucky baby! Hopefully I can have self-control and not eat to many cookies and rice crispy treats! I hope y’all have safe and great holidays. I’m sure I will post a couple of times from Orlando but I’m not sure how many. Okay I have to get going I have so much to do! I’ll leave you with a few pictures from our lights night. 🙂







Today’s WOD is going to be done once a week until the Garage games in February! Its a good combination of Double unders and Running. Both that I need to work on big time. I ended up doing it at home because it looked like it was going to start raining (Which it did) and I really wanted to do the running and not have to sub the rower instead. I was pretty proud of how well I was able to push myself with out being around everyone. Six months ago I don’t think I could have pushed that hard with no one around. I would have ended up stopping and walking at some point or not counting all my reps for the jump rope. Something I never do when I’m at the gym. So Today was successful.

Today’s WOD

For Time:
Run 1 Mile
50 Double Unders (200 singles)
Run 800 meters
50 Double Unders (200 singles)
Run 400 meters
50 Double Unders (200 singles)

My Time- 20:58, 10 doubles per round the rest singles


Sunday Fun day WOD

40 Minute Time cap
5 Rounds for time

Run 400
10 Thursters 135/95
15 Burpee Medicine ball Box Jumps 24/20
20 C2B
25 Medicine ball Abmat situps 20/14

****I did 3 Rounds Plus 44 (S) 55lbs for thursters and 12 for med ball, Green band for C2B


I can not believe that Christmas is days away! The last couple months have flown by! I have to pack at some point. And do laundry so I can pack. And clean. Geeez too much to do. So the past few days have been all about partner fun! Friday was a partner wod I was glad b/c it was my last workout with my friend Megan before she left for her Christmas Vacation. We kicked butt of course b/c we are pretty awesome 😉 And then yesterday was another partner wod that I got to do with my husband and again did pretty bad ass due to another awesome partner! Well really the best partner ever 😉 Today is a mystery we wont know the WOD until we show up. Last Sunday it was a partner wod and It made my legs non usable for days. lol So I hope this Sunday is just as good! OHHH And I can’t forget to tell ya’ll!!! We are going to do a WOD New Years Eve!!! A box in Orlando (We’ll be there visiting family for the holidays) will be hosting a midnight wod! I’m so excited! I hope it’s a gooooooood HARD one! I’ve been trying to keep up with boxes in Orlando b/c I knew we would have to hit them up while we are there. We have now less than 2 month until the Garage games so this is not the time to take a ton of time off. This is crunch time!

Fridays WOD-

20 Minute EMOM: 3 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull

WOD: Partner WOD
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Ball Slams (30/20)
10 Double Unders (40 singles)
10 Burpees
Partners alternate rounds

3 Minute Hold of Front Plank

Megan and I got 8 Plus 22 RX

Saturday’s WOD

I did the fundamentals class at 830- Worked on kipping, pull ups, T2b, did a mini wod and then relaxed a little bit in between classes until my husband got there, when he got there we ran a mile before the class started (I really have to work on my running for Feb!) Then then the next class started at 10. Saturday is my long day at the gym. And I’m not gonna lie. I love it.

WOD: Team Strongman

1 member works while the other rests
50 Stone-2-Shoulder
50 Deadlift (225/165)
10 Tire Flips
50 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
50 Meter Prowler Push
50 Meter Farmer’s Carry

Brian and I finished in 19:15 S

Sunday Fun Day WOD- Coming soon!


e3ca4cfd71579e8c145f00a35b5ca210Okay its 530am and I am about ot head out the door to go rock out this WOD and may I add it is sooooo cold! I’m starting to wonder if I still live in SC or if I’m back in upstate Ny?!? It’s 35 out and of course there is a mile run at the start of the wod and one at the end. I not only hate running (But do need to work on it so I can’t complain to much about that part) But I hate hate hate hate more then anything the cold! lol I’m only two months away from competing for the first time at the Garage games so I cant slack and get back into bed and stay there all day! Okay enough complaining from me for today on to today’s WOD-

20 Minute EMOM: Hang Clean

Buy-In: Run 1 Mile
5 Rounds for Time of:
10 Push Press (95/65)
10 OH Lunge Steps (95/65)
Cash Out: Run 1 Mile

20 Meter Handstand Walk