Archive for January, 2014


15 Minutes to complete 25 reps in as few sets as possible at 75% of your 1 RM Bench Press. If you do not know your 1 RM Bench Press, use this time to establish it.

8 Minute AMRAP
15 Ring Rows
10 HSPUs
5 Jerks 155/115

20 Weighted AMSUs 30/20

*** Extra Bonus *** I will also be running at least a mile but I would like to do alittle over a mile!


Morning all amazinggg my blog followers!:) Hope y’all are having a great week! With the weekend looming in the very neer future I have to start my meal planing and grocery list for my once a week trip. One thing I’m determined to get on top of before I go is yogurt! Its soo weird normally I’m very into knowing what everything is I buy, whats in it, health benefits or even if it’s just down right not healthy. Yogurt is one thing I have not really researched. I think it’s because I’ve never really liked it but I know its something I should try to eat everyday. It’s normally my afternoon snack. Now my question is what one’s are really good for you and which ones are not? Yesterday my husband noticed that the one I was eating had artificial sweetener in it. It was a pretty major “Fail” moment for me. I try not to eat any artificial sweetener. It was one of the last things on the ingredients list so it didn’t have allot but still its prompted me to research this topic! SOO on to what I found!

The Dirt on Yogurt

Yogurt can be a low-cal way to get protein and calcium, but choose the wrong kind, and you could eat a container with nutritional content similar to that of ice cream.

Pick low-fat varieties, with at least 6 grams of protein. Greek yogurt have more protein per serving than plain yogurt, but full-fat Greek yogurt can contain up to 18 grams of saturated fat.

Also check for sugar. “Oftentimes sugar is off the charts in yogurt,” Gans says. Aim for less than 20 grams of sugar per serving. Choose a version that has lower sugar, between 6 and 12 grams, like plain yogurt, then add your own sweet fruits.

The good news is yogurt is low in sodium.

Greek Yogurt Vs. Regular Yogurt: Which Is More Healthful?

First, to be clear: Both Greek and regular yogurt, in their plain, nonfat or low-fat forms, can be part of a healthful diet. They’re low in calories and packed with calcium and live bacterial cultures. But our Mediterranean friend—which is strained extensively to remove much of the liquid whey, lactose, and sugar, giving it its thick consistency—does have an undeniable edge. In roughly the same amount of calories, it can pack up to double the protein, while cutting sugar content by half. Those are “two things dietitians love,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, a registered dietitian and author of The Flexitarian Diet. “For someone who wants the creamier texture, a little bit of a protein edge, and a sugar decrease, going Greek is definitely not all hype.” And it’s really got a following: In the past five years, Greek yogurt sales nationwide have skyrocketed, likely because it satisfies consumers’ needs for health, convenience, and taste, according to Nielsen, a global marketing and advertising research company.

Protein. Greek yogurt is high in protein, which helps promote fullness. A typical 6-ounce serving contains 15 to 20 grams, the amount in 2 to 3 ounces of lean meat. That makes it particularly appealing to vegetarians, who sometimes struggle to get enough of the nutrient. An identical serving of regular yogurt, on the other hand, provides just 9 grams, meaning you may feel hunger pangs sooner.

Carbohydrates. Going Greek is a smart choice for low-carb dieters. It contains roughly half the carbs as the regular kind—5 to 8 grams per serving compared with 13 to 17. Plus, the straining process removes some of the milk sugar, lactose, making Greek yogurt less likely to upset the lactose-intolerant. Remember, however, that “both types of yogurt can contain high amounts of carbs if they’re sweetened with sugar or another sweetening agent,” says Kari Hartel, a Missouri-based registered dietitian. “No matter which type you choose, opt for yogurt with less added sugar.”

Fat. Be wary of Greek yogurt’s fat content. In just 7 ounces, Fage’s full-fat Greek yogurt packs 16 grams of saturated fat—or 80 percent of your total daily allowance if you’re on a 2,000-calorie diet. (That’s more than in three Snickers bars.) Dannon’s regular full-fat yogurt has 5 grams of saturated fat in an 8-ounce serving. Saturated fat raises total and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels, increasing the risk for heart disease. Read nutrition labels carefully. If you’re going Greek, stick to low-fat and fat-free versions.

Sodium. A serving of Greek yogurt averages 50 milligrams of sodium—about half the amount in most brands of the regular kind. (Low-sodium versions of regular yogurt are available.) Too much salt can boost blood pressure and increase the risk of other heart problems. The federal government’s 2010 Dietary Guidelines urge Americans to cap sodium at 2,300 milligrams a day, or 1,500 milligrams if they’re older than 50, African-American, or have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease.

Calcium. Regular yogurt provides 30 percent of the federal government’s recommended daily amount. Greek yogurt loses some of its calcium through the straining process, but still packs a wallop. A 6-ounce cup typically supplies about 20 percent of the daily recommendation. If you’re still worried about calcium intake, load up on milk, seeds, and almonds, says Sarah Krieger, a registered dietician and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Okay so even after that. How do I chose the healthiest one?!? I already had picked a greek yogurt b/c of how much we workout I wanted the extra protein and I still failed. 😦

1. Keep it simpleTo make yogurt, all that’s needed is milk and two live bacterial cultures, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, which turn the milk into yogurt via fermentation. “Beyond that, a few added extras for flavor, like a little sugar or some fruit, are fine,” Kaufman says. Steer clear of products that have long lists of ingredients with things you can’t pronounce or wouldn’t expect to see in yogurt, like hydrogenated oils and artificial sweeteners.-

2. Look for good bugs-Probiotics—good bacteria similar to the ones living in your digestive tract—are yogurt’s key ingredient. These beneficial bugs have been shown to help with digestion and gut health. But surprisingly, not all yogurt sold in stores actually contains “live and active cultures,” as the bacteria in yogurt are known. Some companies heat-treat yogurt after culturing, which kills off bacteria, both good and bad, to make it more shelf-stable and reduce tartness.

3.Make calcium count-Yogurt is a stellar source of bone-building calcium, but the amount can vary from brand to brand. Aim for one that has at least 15 percent of the daily value for calcium; the yogurts on our list contain anywhere from 15 to 35 percent.

4. Do a sugar check-Trying to cut back on added sugar? Don’t rely only on the number of grams listed on the label. Yogurt has a fair amount of naturally occurring milk sugar, aka lactose (about 9 grams in a 6-ounce container of plain regular yogurt, and about 7 grams in Greek yogurt), and the sugar figure includes both natural and added sugars. Our shortcut: Avoid any product that lists sugar as the first or second ingredient.

5. Beware of fake fruit- Adding your own fresh fruit to plain yogurt is always a healthy choice. But sometimes you want the convenience of yogurt with fruit already added. Make sure you see actual fruit on the list of ingredients, ideally before any added sugars, Kaufman advises. “Otherwise it probably just contains a mix of sugar and food coloring or vegetable juice,” she say

6. Read labels carefully- Luckily, it’s easy to tell if your yogurt includes probiotics. The National Yogurt Association has created a Live & Active Cultures seal for products that contain significant amounts of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus. (These two bacteria, in particular, must be used in order for a product to be called “yogurt,” per federal regulations. You might see additional cultures listed, but the research on their health benefits is still emerging; a yogurt that contains more cultures isn’t necessarily better for you.) Not every company chooses to carry the seal, so you can also look for “Live and Active Cultures” on the label or L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus in the ingredient list. If a product has been heat-treated after culturing, the company is required to say so on the label.

The winners for the top 3??

1. Stonyfield Farm Plain Organic Low Fat Yogurt

2. Plain 0% Fage Greek Yogurt

3. Chobani 0% Yogurt

A couple of the worst?

1. Yoplait Greek Yogurt (Yep that’s the one I was getting)

2. Honey flavor Dannon Greek Yogurt

Question of the day!!!

Do y’all have a favorite yogurt? Which one and why?

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It’s Official! I’m signed up for the Crossfit Open!!! Who else is in?!?! It’s only 20$ and so worth it!!! 🙂

I need to get to work and fill in my times for these benchmark wods and I’m sure doing them will help me with the Garage Games also!!!! 🙂 I have I mentioned how much I LOVE Crossfit???!!!


“Mental toughness is so easy to learn. It’s simply you looking in the mirror during each workout, ’cause every one of us gets to the point during a workout where we look in the mirror and we’re like, ‘Holy crap, I want to quit right now’ … and you have to look in your mirror at that point and just go, ‘Just keep going.'”

—Dan Cerrillo, owner of CrossFit Bellevue in Washington

Today’s WOD

15 Minutes to complete 25 reps of Deadlift at 75% of your 1 RM. If you do not know your 1 RM Deadlift, use this time to establish it.


400m Run
10 K2E
15 KB SDHP 70/53
20 KB Swings 70/53


1 Minute of Right Side Planks, Left Side Planks, and Front Planks.

WOD 011714 AM

Posted: January 21, 2014 in New To this! :)

Think I’m gonna try this tomorrow!!! 🙂 Thanks for the Wod Sheepdog CF! 🙂

Sheepdog CF Blog


50 reps for time of:


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58c1473d1df9f4f9dc701002516fcbe3I came across this today and thought it was a great read!

Jeff Barnett
Contributor – Health and Fitness New

Prevent Type 2 Diabetes With Resistance Exercise

In 1985 only about thirty million people worldwide suffered from type 2 diabetes. By 2010 that number grew to over 285 million, which is almost equivalent to the entire population of the United States. This shows a disturbing trend. Diabetes and its bastard cousin obesity are two of the largest health problems in America today. While we’ve known for years that regular aerobic exercise helps prevent diabetes, the role of resistance training has been less clear. Today’s study published in PLOS Medicine shows quite definitively that resistance training of any type can help prevent diabetes.

Researchers examined data from a long-term study of nurses in the United States. The study followed almost 100,000 female nurses for eight years. The women recorded their daily activities in great detail, including any exercise they did. The results show that any type of resistance exercise decreased the likelihood of developing diabetes.

The researchers defined resistance exercise very loosely. The way this study was conducted, any type of muscle-strengthening routine that wasn’t aerobic exercise was counted as resistance exercise. That means yoga, pilates, bodybuilding, strength training, weightlifting, and CrossFit were all classified under the same category. That’s great news, because it means the resistance exercise necessary to prevent diabetes can come from almost any activity.

Before you get out the pitchforks, remember that we’re talking about exercise as a goal to prevent disease. Nobody is saying that all those activities will achieve the same physical results. But it appears they could all be equally effective in simply preventing diabetes.

The study also revealed that more resistance exercise resulted in less risk of diabetes, but the big drop in risk came after just 1.5 hours per week. So a person who performs weight training for seven hours per week is more protected than someone training for only 1.5 hours per week, but not by much. The person who exercises just for disease prevention gets much more bang for her buck from about ninety minutes of resistance training.

The study also showed that the ultimate protection came from both aerobic exercise and resistance training combined. So programs that involve both types of training might be most effective. Interestingly, the most risk reduction from aerobic exercise alone came after 2.5 hours per week.

So what do we learn from this study? First, resistance training in any form helps prevent diabetes. Second, the best protection comes from combining resistance training with aerobic exercise. So when someone asks you about the best way to exercise for general health, don’t make them believe there is only one way that works, to the exclusion of all others. This study shows that general health and disease prevention can be achieved with a variety of different programs. The best program appears to be the one that will stick.