Archive for the ‘Nanos’ Category

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Good morning everyone! I hope y’all had a great weekend! This is a recap of my past couple wods. My husband and I both got PR’s with Karen yesterday!!!! WOOOP WOOOOP! 😀 I not only PR’ed it but shaved 2:15 off my time for a time of 830! I’m not sure what today’s wod is going to be. Hopefully when my son naps today I can figure it out, Finish my coupons and study our crossfit stuff. Fingers crossed! But speaking of my son he just woke up so gotta go!!!

I want to throw a thank you out to all my followers I know I have struggled with keeping up with this and y’all have stuck by and kept reading so thank you! Hopefully when my son is 7 or I don’t know maybe 18 my life will hopefully slow back down! lol


So I have had a handful of people ask me how we eat. I typed this up for a friend but figured why not share it. Maybe it will be helpful for someone maybe not. But it doesn’t hurt to share right? 🙂 So this is basically how our day’s go.

We don’t do paleo or any other diet that you have to eat specific things. We like cheese, beer, wine, ice cream too much to do those. lol We try to stick to low to med glycemic foods (Mostly low but mediums are def. in the mix) and pretty much stay away from any high. There is a lot of information out there on glycemic index and I think it’s key to eating right. Here is a couple pages I found kinda fast but def look into the information. Its not a fad, or a diet its just basically eating healthy food that will help your body sustain energy.

I eat egg whites scrambled with spinach almost every morning. I have nothing against the whole egg we just so many eggs I don’t want to overdo it b/c they are high in cholesterol. Sometimes I throw in some feta to. (I was eating cereal but I haven’t in 3 months now at all and I think that has made a difference plus I don’t even crave it anymore) That’s been my staple breakfast oh with toast. We buy Rudi’s Bread and its great full of what you need and none of what you don’t want. And its tasty! And so far we love all of it. We have tried the English muffins, wraps and most of the breads.

We also started the whole butter in coffee thing also. One cup a day of it and nothing other than butter added. (Then I drink I’m sure way to much Black coffee after that. lol)

I also just started making steal cut oats. They are one of the least processed oats and you can make a batch in the slow cooker and have them all week! I’m on my second week of doing it my son and husband love them. I did apple and cinnamon last week and blueberry and banana this week. I added more spices to both then it called for. It makes mornings easy and they have something healthy and yummy.

I eat tuna fish alot for lunch and normally with a veggie or cottage cheese (I always get 2 percent I don’t like to get lower I want that extra fat from it. Same with milk or yogurts we never have less than 2 percent) I’m still trying to come up with new lunch ideas. Anyone has any good ideas let me know! I’m always open to new ideas!!

ee3cd37b0e314c3c71e0889ae6fa4f30A Chobani Greek Yogurt (We did alot of Ingredients reading b4 going with that one) A banana and some Kind granola (It’s the best for granola again we did alot of ingredients reading plus its yummy its also at the commissary for a better price but I’ve found more flavors in Super Target) is pretty much bri and I’s regular snack. We also always keep humus in the fridge and I always have pretzels, celery, or red peppers to dip in it. Raw carrots, grapes, apples to munch on to. We get LÄRABAR bars and buddy fruits for when we are on the go.

Dinner is alot of chicken, ground chicken burgers, turkey burgers (We def do more with ground chicken then turkey) Pork and sometimes beef. That’s more of a treat if we have steaks and sometimes burgers but really not too often. We eat alot of sweet potatoes we use them like we use to use regular potato’s butter sometimes some scream or a little cheese. We really use them in a lot of ways I can’t even remember the last time we got regular potatoes. We try to always do a veggie with dinner. Doesn’t always happen but we try. OH squash we cook a lot with it! I love spaghetti squash! You can sub it for spaghetti and it turns out so yummy! Oh and cauliflower Mash! I take head cut it up boil it till its soft drain it mash it (I use hand held blender) and add one small thing of cottage cheese salt and pepper and you have mash potatoes! 😀 I Love them!!!

I do a lot of searching for recipes that will not be super difficult, cost a ton of money but still yummy and healthy. Sometimes I get really frustrated with it. Lol But here’s a few that we have tried and liked. If you have any good ones send them this way please!

Healthy Jalapeño Sweet Potato Chicken Chili

Okay snacks- We are like kids Bri and I both need a treat at the end of the day! We have ice cream, Or Pudding cups, or some sorta small yummy treat. It’s always small and portion controlled. With fall around the corner there will all sortsa pumpkin goodness in our house! When I do bake I try to always make lighter versions or Paleo treats. So far all the ones I have made have turned out pretty yummy!

Wine/Beer we limit to once a week sometimes depending on what’s going on 2 times a week but thats not very often. It was hard at first because I like my nightly glass of wine. But now its not a issue. It’s really weird. Even beer now I never really feel like it. I guess it was just getting over that hurdle. Sometimes its hard when other ppl don’t understand why you don’t want to drink but I’ve stuck to it and I know it was a good change. Plus I get more excited now about my wine! LOL I savor it!

I’m sure you know this but be careful of anything that says fat free or low fat. Read the ingredients because most of the time they sub the fat with something and its normally more sugar and stuff you do not want to put in your body.

We try to buy a very small amount of processed foods if possible. For tomato sauce we make our own. No Jar. Chicken Broth we make our own no box. (Both taste way better also) Seasoning for example taco seasoning we make our own that way we know what is in it. Pinterest is great for that kind of stuff also. Most of my shopping now is done in the produce area of the store or at a farmers market (Buying local is a great way to go! Support your local farms!)

We stopped drinking soda and drink a ton of water But I do crave the carbonated part and found that Dasani’s new sparkling water is really good and way cheaper than Perrier. So that’s pretty much always stocked in our fridge. Oh and chocolate milk.88499183ca69ab17b00035f1a66fdf23



Morning everyone! Here are our wod’s from the last couple days! Its been a fun 5 days and now its time for our two days off and they are well earned! But now what to do on our rest days?

What are some of y’all s fav things to do on your rest days?!?





Morning how is everyone doing?! We have been pretty busy but here are our wod’s from the last few days even with some pics! 😀

Did y’all do a Special wod for 9/11?

And any new PR’s?! I finally hit the 200’s for my deadlifts so that was pretty exciting!


Morning everyone! One day behind but here was our wod from yesterday. Our wod for today is still undetermined. It will be more lower body intensive tho because the slam balls from yesterday killed me. lol

9/8/2014 Wod

Warm up
100 Double Unders
3 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 Kbswings
15 Air Squats

Bench Press 1rm (I got 75)

10 Ball Slams 30lb
10 Double unders
10 Burpees

Score- 7 Plus 20 (If we would have had a 20lb slam ball for me we would have been able to better that ball killed me. But more reasons to get on tract with our new strength program. 1rm’s this week and new program starts next week.)

Question of the day- I have started a new WOD, Emom, Everything Crossfit related notebook- What is your fav. WOD, Emom or really anything crossfit related that you have done? Any warm up that just stands out from another? Or wod that you hate but love? Let me know! Looking for new fun wods todo!


Found this post on WOD planet and thought I would share! Who doesnt want to get better at wall balls?

5 Secrets to Success for Wall Balls by-Ryan M.
Found on WOD Planet

1.) Elbows In:

This is probably the most important factor in being able to string together unbroken wall balls. If the elbows are flared out, the shoulders will fatigue quickly. Instead, keep the elbows tight engaging the triceps and lats. This will make your wall ball shots far more efficient and allow you to get many more in a row.

2.) Hip Drive:

It’s only a 20 pound ball to a ten foot target. Surely anybody with a decent amount of strength could just toss the ball up there rep after rep right?? Well, we all know those reps add up quick! It’s true that you may be able to get away without maximizing hip drive, but in order to be as efficient as possible and save valuable energy, it’s important to use your hips during wall balls. Concentrate on driving out of the hole fast and with powerful hips – similar to the way you would on a thruster. Using your arms to throw the ball to the target will cause fatigue quickly. The hips are the strongest part of the body – use them.

3.) Target Touch:

This secret to success is related to #2. During a good wall ball, the arms are mostly along for the ride. The most important function of the arms is to control the ball on the way up and hit the target with accuracy. An athlete using good hip drive will be more than strong enough to throw the ball above the target. In order to stay smooth and consistent, focus on hitting the center of the target so you can get a consistent rebound and get into a rhythm.

4.) The hold:

One of the most common mistakes during wall balls is trying to hold the ball in front of the chest or abs. I was guilty of this mistake when I started doing wall balls. The problem with letting the ball drop is that it puts the back in a rounded position. It can also cause the athlete to drop the ball, engage the arms too much and lack depth on the squat portion of the wall ball. The athlete may not even realize that he or she is missing depth because it will feel like a full squat. Focus on keeping the ball right in front of your face (the bottom of the ball should be at or above the top of your chest) to maintain a good squat position.

5.) Know when to break:

Wall balls are one of those movements that are completed much more quickly when strung together as opposed to being broken up. That being said, few athletes will be able to complete a WOD like Karen (150 wall balls for time) unbroken. Practice wall ball sets during your skill work to see where your threshold is. It’s important to break BEFORE you hit that redline where you can no longer string multiple reps together. This tip takes some practice as well as knowing yourself as an athlete, but when applied correctly, it will drastically improve your score on the white board.