Posts Tagged ‘beach’




We got home Saturday night from vacation and we both feel so refreshed! We had a great time. Our cruise was great. We ate a lot less than what we normally would, worked out three times (We never workout on vacation) so this vacation was a little different than past ones. We had some great family time when we got back to Orlando. We had our Thanksgiving early so we could all be together, my husband and I went to see Avenged Sevenfold (One of our favorite bands) and we went to Universal (My dad works there so he was able to get us all in for free!) We also did do our 300 Burpee challenge. I did mine 2 times, first on the boat and then b/c Brian hurt his knee and couldn’t do them on the boat I did them again with him off the boat later in the week. Burpees suck and they really suck if you do them alone. 1383904_578220785565843_641371992_n







Oh and I can not forget to tell y’all about the new cafe we found! It’s called first watch, and of course we don’t have one in SC right now but if you have one close to you I recommend going there! They are only open from 8am-230 breakfast and lunch. And they are soooo GOOD! Everything is clean and they have so many healthy yummy things! Brian’s Grandma brought us there and after that we went 2 more times!




Okay on to today’s WOD- I could tell I was on vacation for 2 weeks that’s for sure! This should not have been as hard as it was! :/ I had 3 rounds plus 34. Scaled. I couldn’t get the ring push ups. (It was the first time I had ever done them in my defense. So I used my box and did them that way.)

Today’s WOD

15 Minute EMOM
2 Thrusters

12 Minute AMRAP:
10 x Ring Push Ups
15 x Box Jumps (30/24)
20 x Squats

25 x GHD Sit Ups


We just got back from our cruise yesterday. It was sad! 😦 But on the plus side we already started planning our next cruise and we are still on vacation until Saturday. Here’s a small preview and just a small post. My husband really want’s to stay computer free this last part of our vacation also. We had a great time, did crossfit, made our own WOD one day on the boat and I knocked out the 300 burpee Challenge! I managed to do it in just under one hour! 59:14! My husband had hurt his knee half way and was not happy that he could not finish so he will be doing his later this week and I will be doing them again! :/ Its so much easier if you have someone doing them with you and I wont let him do them by himself. That’s alot of burpees! We found a couple different boxes to check out while were in Orlando also so I’m excited about that ohhh and AX7 on Wednesday!!!!! I cant wait Avenged Sevenfold is one of our favorite bands!!!! 😀 Okay everyone my husband is giving me a not nice look! Time to get off the computer! IMG_0380














Happy Monday morning everyone! 🙂 We are on our final cruise countdown! In three days we drive to Orlando, and six day’s we get on our boat and sail away! How was y’alls weekend? Ours was good. We did our normal Saturday Crossfit and then our Sunday rest day. We walked over to trail we live close to and checked it out. We have been waiting for cooler weather and less bugs! Yesterday was perfect out! It is finally fall! I think. lol I also made some cookies (recipe is getting posted today)IMG_0180 and a chicken almost stew like dinner (also getting posted today)IMG_0202 and I worked pretty hard getting my ReebokOne account up and going so y’all can get 10 percent discount anytime you want to order from Reebok! 🙂 Now there are a few things excluded but for the most part most is included. I still have a few things to figure out but I’ll have it under my Link’s tab as soon as its good to go with instructions how to use it. d7fd09e3333d2477a81f1332e90b03c8
And now on to today’s WOD. We only have 4 more days of crossfit and then our 2 week break starts! I’m kinda nervous about it! We are doing it on the cruise at St.Thomas and we want to check out a box in Orlando to but It’s still not going to be our normal training time. :/ So I guess we’ll see how it goes!

Today’s WOD

Back Squat
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1+ x 95%

25 Minute EMOM of:
2 x Clean and Jerk (AHAP)

Handstand Walks/Holds


So today is another Sunday rest day with the family! I love knowing every Saturday we do AM crossfit and then Sunday is always a rest day. I really love our weekends. Yesterday’s WOD’s were really good! I was pretty happy with the WOD that they had posted but after our warm up there was a bonus WOD on the white board! I got really excited! Yep, I am a dork! lol. Who gets super excited about a whole other workout? Yep this girl and her husband! So we ended up getting two good WOD’s in yesterday and it felt great! There was only about 5 of us that stayed to do the bonus. I thought it was crazy everyone else left, but whatever. 🙂 My husband ended up setting a new PR! He clean and jerked 165, 3 lbs over his body weight! I was so proud of him! 1185905_10201486499117022_642430790_n

Today I woke up determined to figure out what we would do on our cruise in October (20 days away! YAY). Normally I have it all figured out by now. For the most part we just figure out the best beaches and go relax at every port. We really like doing nothing on vacation. lol. For how much we workout and love it we tend to be lazy in other silly ways. Well anyways, I just decided to google crossfit and found a box in St.Thomas!
I checked with the times that we would be docked and emailed them to make sure that we would be good to do a drop in and everything is good to go! So we are officially going to do crossfit in St.Thomas! Other than that I still don’t know what beaches were going to or anything. lol. But hey, I have crossfit covered.
Well other than that stuff the only other thing we did was our normal Saturday football and had some good friends over. Oh and I made some really good muffins today! I posted pictures and the recipe already. I hope everyone had a good weekend! Early bed time tonight for me! I’ll be up nice and early tomorrow for the 6am class! 022



This weekend has been really nice. A WOD at the beach so we got a little sun then (with sun screen of course) and snuck in a little pool time today so hopefully maybe by October we will be ready for our cruise! I’m a Sunshine Lover and have found some pretty interesting information about the pro’s of getting some natural Vitamin D.

We are constantly being told to avoid the sun during the harshest parts of the day. Today’s common advice is to cover up with clothing and hats and to make sure we apply sunscreen liberally. Applications should continue every 2 hours while we are out in the sun and we should not venture out between 10 am and 2 pm if at all possible.

With the rise of skin cancer, many people have faithfully taken the advice to limit their sun exposure to heart. Just visit the beach or park on a sunny day and you’ll see almost everyone wearing a hat. People will be regularly applying their sunscreen and making sure babies and children are wearing clothing that blocks out almost all of the sun’s harmful rays.

But at what cost to your health?

Studies now show that some members of our community may be in danger of various health risks due to their complete lack of sun exposure.

We encourage you to find a happy medium and to spend a small amount of time soaking up the sun this summer.

Here’s 10 great reasons why you should!

1. Good old vitamin D. This is the one that almost everyone would be aware of. Our bodies produce vitamin D when we spend time exposed to sunlight. When we constantly cover up and don’t allow any type of exposure, we run the risk of being deficient in vitamin D. While we can get vitamin D from some foods like oily fish and eggs, the best and easiest source is from natural sun exposure.

2. Disease Prevention. Sunlight exposure might be just what the population needs to decrease our risk of some types of cancers. Breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer all show signs of being prevented by regular sunlight exposure. Studies are continuing to try to establish a recommended exposure period.

3. Better immunity. White blood cells undergo increased production when the body is exposed to sunlight. They also experience an improved capacity to complete their important work in the human body.

4. Clear skin. If you suffer from skin conditions such as acne, eczema, boils or rashes, these can all be aided by gentle sun exposure. Obviously you should never allow yourself to become sunburned, but limiting yourself to around 15 minutes per day for the problem areas can help your skin to become clearer.

5. Boost your mood. Being out in the sun has an amazing ability to improve your mood. Your body will have increased levels of serotonin and create extra endorphins when you spend time outside. Symptoms of PMS may be improved and just about everyone feels better when they have a natural, healthy tan.

6. Sleep better. Exposure to natural light during the day can assist you to sleep better at night. Our bodies naturally make Melatonin and this hormone helps with sleep and also slows down the aging process. Being out in the sun during the day increases the body’s production of Melatonin at night, helping you to get a good night’s sleep.

7. Sunlight is an effective treatment for jaundice. Small amounts of sun exposure can reduce the effects of jaundice for both adults and children. Being outside is a great way to naturally treat jaundice.

8. Improved liver function. Sunlight improves liver function in your body and will assist the breaking down of body waste. Great liver function means you have less chance of cancer and other diseases.

9. Pain relief. Those suffering from arthritis may experience a reduction in the pain of their joints. Sun exposure can lower pain levels and assist in natural healing. If you have uncomfortable, swollen joints it is definitely worth a try!

10. You can grow veggies! A great reason to soak up the sun this summer is to grow your own vegetables. Everyone knows that home-grown vegetables taste much better than anything you purchase from the supermarket. They have improved color and can be grown without nasty chemicals being sprayed all over them. You will also benefit from some gentle exercise while caring for them and maybe even learn a new skill!

As you can see there are many reasons to spend regular short periods of time in the great outdoors!

Small amounts of sun exposure can offer so many health benefits that everyone should aim to spend at least 15 minutes in the sun every day. Precautions should always be taken to make sure that the exposure occurs at times of the day when the sun is not at its peak (generally 10 am – 2 pm) and you should always consider protecting yourself against UV rays.

Avoid sunblock with dangerous chemicals by making your own natural sunscreen, but never allow yourself to become sunburned.

Humans are designed to spend time outdoors. We need regular sunshine to increase our natural vitamin D production and for all of the other 9 reasons listed above. If we are sensible about it we can easily find that happy medium that leads to excellent natural sunshiny health!









My husband and I had such a great time at the Beach WOD today! It was a partner WOD with five sandbags per partners, one at a time you had to run down and bring back a sandbag after you got all five you had to run them back down to where they started at (one at a time). After that you had to run out in the water around the two poles and back and that was one round. (Each partner had to complete the run) We had to do 3 rounds! Oh I almost forgot there was a 50 burpee buy in and cash out. That was awesome. lol. After one round all I could think was “how am I going to finish this?” but as always it amazes me how much you are capable of doing that you don’t think you can do. Crossfit has taught me people under-estimate what their body is capable of doing all the time. Including me! So overall today’s workout was great. We had so much fun now its time for some football and baking! Im attempting a lighter pumpkin bread. So if it turns out good and my husband likes it there will be pictures and the recipe on here sometime tonight or tomorrow!