Posts Tagged ‘deadlift’


Good morning everyone!!! So the box I go to when I’m in Florida started 100 burpees a day. Now this is on top of whatever workout you already have planned to do or if it’s just your day off and you can not get to the gym just rock these out. Active rest day! So far I’ve done them 4 days. The first day I was at 9:11 and last night I got down to 8:11 and did them unbroken! Wooop Wooop! Hello PR! I also did not make it though last night’s wod 😦 after feeling really good about those. My husband and I started the wod and when I was on the second 400M run I hit the side of a hole when running around a corner and my ankle slammed over 😦 Thank god I didn’t sprain it. But it hurt pretty bad last night along with my other knee. It got tore up. So that kinda bummed me out last night. But here is the WOD that we were going to do and well my husband did finish. I fully intend on redoing it hopefully this weekend.

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Now for today’s WOD…


I’m going to do regular and then as soon as I finish that I’m going to re-do it but backwards. Marking both my time from the first one and total time for both. I’m not sure If I’m going to do the burpees just b/c of my knee hurting. I don’t think deadlifts will bother but I’m pretty sure falling to the ground over and over would make it pretty mad. I will pick back up with it tomorrow tho.

Well this is all I have time to write today I have to make sure I use every minute Bryden naps to study for my Health Coach Exam with ACE. It’s coming up fast and I want to be ready to knock that out.

If you want to join in on the 100 burpees a day let me know how you do! Remember Pace them.. It’s a lot harder if you burn out after the first 10! Trust me!! 😀



Yup I don’t think the slacking will stop until after our cruise in a week. lol I have had so much going on and I feel like it’s pretty much never ending. But here are the last three wod’s I did and today is a rest day so yay… I’m caught up. lol


This one took me forever. lol I’m not sure what the time was I just know I finished and I used the blue band.


This one took me 14:30 I Rx’ed the deadlifts and used 55 for the rest.


Not sure on this one either of time (We seem to run into that issue in our home gym alot. 😦 ) But we did finish it all and I felt like I was gonna die. lol (But not as bad as at the end of 14.5!)


Happy Monday everyone!!!! Oh and St. Patricks day! 😉 I hope y’all had a great weekend and did some good wod’s! I did 14.3 Friday in our gym and then again Sunday in the gym that we go to. Friday I got 62 reps and I was okay with that, It was not great but at the same time 155 was heavy I was doing one rep at a time so I thought I tried my hardest. Well yesterday when I re did it I got 91 reps! Not only did I get past the point I was at Friday but I blew though it and sett a new 20 lb PR for my deadlift’s!!!! Wooooooop Woooooooop! Now I can’t wait to do a 1RM for my deadlift I know it will be even more! So far the open has had me setting PR’s every week I’m going to be really sad when I do the last open workout! How did this WOD go for y’all??? Did you get more then you thought? A new PR? What do you think the next one will be?!? My guess… Wall Balls, Burpees, Muscle ups, Thursters? That is all the stuff they have missed right? I would be okay with all of it other then the Muscle ups!



Soooo my normal Thursday night consists of watching the clock tick by waiting for the 8 o’clock announcement about the open! When 730 hits I swear time stands still. lol Well anyways when this wod was announced I was pretty excited! Deadlifts are my thing! Iv’e been told now a couple times about my really good form and I love box jumps! I started using the 24 inch box for most of the wods I do even if it only calls for the 20inch. I know mixing the two of these together will not be easy but with how far I can go (Two maybe start the third) I don’t think it will take to much out of me. I’m gonna do a one rep max today and a run though on the wod to get feel for it and a feel for switching out my weights just to see where I’m at. And run I have to run today!!! Can’t start slacking now on running I just started getting better. Ugh. But I still don’t like it! When will I like it? Will I ever like it? 😦


On another note.. A very exciting one at least for me… I just ordered this bad boy! My Rouge Bella Bar!!! I’m so excited! I’ve wanted a womens bar for a minute! The male bar is fine but sometimes I like the womens bar. I hate just putting 5’s on the 45 to make 55. I like to have plates on it. And I’ve gone up alot with weights but not with everything and I want to get stuff down were I can do a few reps the same way each time and know I’m doing it right before I go up. We got the whole set so some more weight. Made sense it was a better deal and when we move we would need to order more weights anyways b/c most of them that we have our my friends. We also got a weight rack, I got a purple band (I’m so close with my pullups!) and a 16lb wall ball. As soon as that baby get’s here I’m doing Karen with it! (150 Wallballs) I am that weird person who likes wallballs!


Question of the day! What do you think of 14.3 and how did 14.2 go? I got 10 Overheads! My goal was 1-3 of them so I was really really really happy with my 10! Overheads will be worked on! I can’t wait to see how far I make it in this one!


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Okay I have to stop slacking with this! It’s pretty much my crossfit journal if I don’t keep up with it how will I remember what I did when I did it and with what weights? I’m better. No more shingles. No more crazy Garage Games Training. So no excuses to be slacking lol. I decided last minute that I was going to go to Orlando while my husband is away on training so I could relax and de stress from the last couple months. It was a very good idea b/c I’m already feeling much better! I have a great box I go to while I’m here so major bonus! Yesterday we did pretty much a 600 rep wod. It took me 40:41 and when I finished it, it felt great! I’m taking toady off as a rest day since I have only had 2 days off in the last 9. Ooops. But in my defense one of the 9 days I only ran and did 2 one rep max’s so that really didn’t count so almost like I had 3 rest days. I do think I will run today. I hate running and really started working on it the last 2 or 3 weeks before the garage games and It got a little better. I wish I would have started when I wanted to but I really don’t like running so I put it off till the last second. But now I’m determined to make this weakness into a strength instead. I want to start hill sprints, beach sprints, running using our weighted vest. I don’t know if I will ever like it but I will get a lot better! Okay on to what my last two wod’s were and how I did 🙂

Saturday’s WOD


I did the Burpees in 10:41 and the Wod in 27:30 I used 95lbs for DL and 45 (Only the bar 😦 ) For my Bench Press.

I had to take Sunday Off b/c that was my day Driving to Orlando. 6Hr car ride with a one year old in the rain the whole way. Not really a day off. lol

Mondays WOD


Okay I did 85 For DL (10lbs away from the RX weight!!!) 55 for HCleans and 45/35 for Push Press (I need alot of work on my overhead stuff) Took me 40:41

1544505_10202370597738935_1974801923_nOkay so this past weekend has been very busy! Our gym is a functional gym now! It’s not done, but it works we have done a few wods in there already! Okay so because I’m still super busy with the gym, Bryden and normal everyday stuff I have to make this blog short and sweet. But hopefully we will have the gym done soon and stuff will quiet down and be back to normal and even easier b/c we wont always have to leave the house to workout!

Saturday- Our first wod in our new gym- A WOD that we have to do at the Garage games in Feb.

4 minute ascending AMRAP- 105# (75#) Power Clean with pull-ups (men) burpees (women)

So 1 clean one burpee, then 2 and 2, 3 and 3, and so on.

And then 1 Minute Rest


Kettle bell Swings (35) And Wall Balls (14)

Sunday Fun Days WOD

Run 1 Mile

Rest 10 Minutes

3 Rounds

10 Wall Balls
10 Thrusters (I did 55lbs)
50 Dubs (Scale 150 Singles) I did some of both

Rest 10 Minutes


Kettle bell Swings (35)
AbMat Situps
AbMat Situps

Rest 10 Minutes

Row 1,600 meters


And then at home later that day another WOD for the Garage games in Feb.

5 – 135#/75# Squat Clean, 10 HSPU (scale hand release push-ups X2), 10 Goblet Squats (varying weight to be released). Reduce by 1 sq. cl. 2 HSPU and 2 squats.

I did HRPU and I got 6:43 for time and it kicked my butt. So hopefully with practice I will get that time down! Oh Plus I used 65 not 75! I need to get the extra 10 lbs on there to!

Okay and today’s WoD

Strength: 15 Minutes to complete 25 reps in as few sets as possible of 70% of your 1 RM Deadlift. If you do not know your 1 RM Deadlift, use this time to find it.

600m Row
25 Deadlift 225/155
100 Stationary Reverse Lunges (total)
800m Run

There will be another one at home also that one is undecided right now.

And here are some more Progress pics!


