About Me


My name is Kelly I am a 32-year-old Mom to an Amazing 8 9 10 1 year old Baby Boy Bryden. A military wife To a Amazing husband who I have been with for over 10 years. A newly Certified Personal Trainer (ACE), I’m working on my Health Coach certification with ACE, I’m going to work on getting my level one Crossfit instructor certification next spring or summer, I also want to get a degree in nutrition, start competing in crossfit competitions next year, and open a gym with my husband. And Fingers crossed that Bryden follows in our footsteps and loves fitness related things as much as us. I’m starting this blog pretty much b/c my mom thinks it would be a good idea so I’m gonna go ahead and give it a try. We are always trying new healthy dinners out, setting new PR’s and striving to-do new and different things. So I guess I’m just going to start letting the world know what meals are good what ones are bad when we can walk on our hands in a figure 8 :p So watch out world!1545220_10202298959548025_838611395_n


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  1. Anonymous says:

    I am excited to follow your journey! You have a beautiful little family!
    And thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. fitmama4life says:

    Love your blog! How long have you been doing it? I just started mine a few weeks ago. I look forward to reading! I’m so interested in crossfit 🙂

  3. Hi! You have a great blog here- thanks for following Happy & Healthy! We both seem to have awesome husbands and gorgeous little boys 🙂

  4. Thanks for the follow, I always say I want to start Crossfit but just to chicken to try it. You have a great blog here.

  5. Thank you for following our blog. We sincerely appreciate your support.

    -Marpay Fitness

  6. MyUniverse&I says:

    Thank you so much for the follow! And what amazing goals you have – keep following your passion! Wishing you all the best on your journey. 🙂
    p.s. your little man is SO cute!

  7. Sounds like your life and journey are headed in a very positive direction. I just had to pop in to see who would desecrate the name if the great Burpee!! Will be following along. Good luck with everything. Remember, the harder you work, the luckier you get

  8. Laura Hilger says:

    Yahoo! I love seeing a blogger with a separate section on crossfitting-looks like I’ll learn a lot from you! Looking forward to reading and learning more! Keep up the hard work!

  9. generalchoa says:

    Thank you for the follow!

  10. amal7072 says:

    Thanks for liking my posts! I’m still a rookie in the blogging arena! I am enjoying it!!!
    Can’t wait to get to know you blog!!!!

  11. yogalynda says:

    Thanks for liking my post! It’s nice to “meet you.” What a beautiful family and nice looking blog; best wishes in your writing, training, and adventures!

  12. onedreamymess says:

    Hey Kelly, I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog! I was nominated and in turn nominated you as well as one of the bloggers I enjoy following!

    Have a great day 🙂

  13. Suzanne says:

    Hey Kelly, thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m glad it led me to your website, and I’m looking forward to trying out some of your recipes!

  14. mommygorun says:

    Thanks for the follow! Can’t wait to see how your journey unfolds.

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