Archive for October, 2013

So My time for Angie this morning was 24:43! I really was thinking it would take me all day so I’m pretty happy with that time. I also finally got my clean and jerk! Well I still can not string them together but I can jerk it finally! 😀 My coach got pretty excited when I finally did it the right way! lol I think he was losing hope in it ever happening! Now its time to get ready for some Halloween fun with the family! I hope y’all have a fun and safe Halloween!!! 🙂


Wow is all I can really say. Hopefully I still have hands left after this WOD and hopefully I can move to enjoy the rest of Halloween! lol

Today’s WOD

12 Minute EMOM
3 Clean and Jerks (AHAP)

WOD: “Angie”
For Time:
100 x Pull Ups
100 x Push Ups
100 x Sit Ups
100 x Squats

NOTE: Must finish all reps for each movement in order

Mobility Work

Love this video! 🙂 So of course I had to share with you guys!


Morning everyone!!! I’m up nice and early for my 6am class! I decided starting today I need to start pushing myself more. I feel like I’m not increasing in weight as much as I should and I think it’s because I go way to light assuming I can not do more. SO starting today I will try always to do more and if I have to scale back then I do. But no more second guessing myself! Last week when I did the bear Complex one of our coaches came over and said I was lifting my bar like it was PVC pipe! OOOPS! No more of that! I really had thought I got over the second guessing myself when I started crossfit but I realized this past week I haven’t. I guess it’s a hard habit to break. I think this will be one of my November goals when I do that blog later this week. I also saw a blog with someone doing 50 sit up’s everyday until Christmas. Now I don’t think I want to do that but it got me thinking…. Maybe 50 burpees every day until Christmas or 50 push ups? Anyone interested in doing something like that with me? Okay on to today’s Wod I have to get moving and get there! lol


In 12 minutes, work to a heavy single Bench Press
Ex. 10, 8, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1 reps

WOD: “Fight Gone Bad”

3 Rounds: 5 minutes of work/1 minute of rest
1 minute at each station
Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
Sumo-Deadlift High Pull (75/55)
Box Jumps (20)
Push Press (75/55)
Row for Cals

Double Under Practice


Yay snatches again! I’m still having trouble with my snatches maybe today will be a better day. Fingers Crossed! Yesterday’s WOD was defiantly my least favorite one we have had in a while. I got 24:20, the running did me in. But I did really push I only stopped to catch my breath a few times and really if I could learn to control my breathing I think I could run allot better. It’s never that I’m tiered it’s that I can’t breath. Any advise? Oh and on a positive note I signed up to volunteer at the 1st Garage games in GA! My husband is going to compete and I will be volunteering and cheering him on! I can’t wait!!!!! Any one else going to be there?!?

Today’s WOD

In 12 minutes, work to a heavy single Back Squat
Ex. 10, 8, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1 reps

5 RFT:
5 x Snatch (115/85)
10 x Bar-Over Burpees

3 minute holds of Left/Right Planks


Happy Monday everyone!!! As I consume a ridiculous amount of coffee I cant help but sit here thinking about how excited I am for Halloween to hurry up and get here and how grateful I am that I have the best, best friend ever and the best husband who both like to do the same not super exciting things as me and finds them super exciting! Our Halloween plans are as follows decorating, white chicken chili, jalapeno corn bread, candy(Lots of candy for passing out and eating!), wine(lots of wine!),Ozzy (my dog dressed up as a hot dog) loving on the trick or treaters, and 2 of the best movies Hocus Pocus, and Halloween town! I can not wait! 😀 And of course my 6AM WOD to start the day off on the right foot! Okay on to today’s WOD-

Today’s WOD
(I suck at running so I’m pretty nervous about this one! My husband and I need to start running more out of the gym!)

10 Minute EMOM
3 Deadlift (AHAP)

Run 1 mile
30 x Pull Ups
Run 800 meters
30 x Handstand Push Ups
Run 400 meters


30 x GHD Sit Ups


Oh and PS- As we leave fall and enter Christmas season I get just as excited! lol. I’m like a big kid so sorry If I drive y’all crazy with the holiday excitement! I’m already thinking about my tree and planning on what decorations will be used and already finished my xmass shopping for my son!!! But…. 🙂 I’ll try to not go to crazy on here!