Posts Tagged ‘Double Unders’




Morning how is everyone doing?! We have been pretty busy but here are our wod’s from the last few days even with some pics! 😀

Did y’all do a Special wod for 9/11?

And any new PR’s?! I finally hit the 200’s for my deadlifts so that was pretty exciting!


Morning everyone! One day behind but here was our wod from yesterday. Our wod for today is still undetermined. It will be more lower body intensive tho because the slam balls from yesterday killed me. lol

9/8/2014 Wod

Warm up
100 Double Unders
3 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 Kbswings
15 Air Squats

Bench Press 1rm (I got 75)

10 Ball Slams 30lb
10 Double unders
10 Burpees

Score- 7 Plus 20 (If we would have had a 20lb slam ball for me we would have been able to better that ball killed me. But more reasons to get on tract with our new strength program. 1rm’s this week and new program starts next week.)

Question of the day- I have started a new WOD, Emom, Everything Crossfit related notebook- What is your fav. WOD, Emom or really anything crossfit related that you have done? Any warm up that just stands out from another? Or wod that you hate but love? Let me know! Looking for new fun wods todo!



I hope y’all had a Great Labor day weekend! We had a great time spending time with our Family in Florida. We had todo our Labor day WOD the day after just because we were driving home on Labor day and had so much to do when we got home. So Annie was done on Labor day and then our Labor day wod was done yesterday.

Labor Day WOD

1 Mile run
400 KB Swings (53/35)
300 Squats
200 Pushups
1 Mile run

Reps can be split up.

We ended up putting a time cap on it at 845 we would stop and count reps for our score.

At the end we both had the same score even tho my husband kicked my butt in the first run I caught up on the reps.

We both got- 200 Push ups, 300 Squats, 295 KB Swings- At RX.

It was a hour and 10 minutes of work I think if we would have done another 30 or so minutes we could have finished. Maybe next year. 😀 😉 :p Either way we both had a great time and it was a great wod!


Yay! 14.2 is in the books now I’m ready for 14.3!! 14.2 went better than I expected as I’m sure it did for alot of people! I know there was a ton of PR’s out there! So congrats if you got one this week 🙂 I am one of the one’s who got a PR. It was my first time OverHead Squatting 65, the most I have ever done was 35 so a 30lb jump! I’m thinking if I jumped 30lbs that means I should have went up awhile ago. lol But in my defense we really haven’t done many overheads in the last few months for me to even think about it. Now after I got my first my goal was to get 3-5 of them for the wod the next day (65 was still really hard for me!) But I ended up getting 10! It did take me the whole 3 minutes with about 10 seconds to spare. I jumped on the bar and struggled to get my chest to the bar but I really was not prepared mentally at all to even attempt this I didn’t think I would make it that far! lol Now I can not wait to see what 14.3 will be I don’t want to get greedy but my head is getting kinda big with these PR’s! Double unders one week and a 30lb PR another? So what PR will be next week? I can’t believe what the Open is bringing out in me and so many other people and I love it!

On another note.. My husband and I are so happy to be back and working out in our gym again!! lol Here’s a few pics from this past weekend. We really missed our gym! It’s our baby!!! 🙂








Okay so today’s plan of action is first to do the strength program I started with OCD front and back squats. It’s every Monday and Thursday but I had so much going on Thursday and Friday that today is just going to have to be the second day of it this week. And then I’m going to test out my OverHead Squats to see where I am for doing the open WOD tomorrow. I’m hoping maybe it wont be as bad as I think and I can get maybe 5 or 6? But really I will be happy with just getting one because the last time I did overhead squats (Granted it was 2 or 3 months ago) I did just the 35lb bar. So this is a pretty big jump and a PR for sure! I would hope with how much I have done the last few months that I should be able to do it? But I guess we will see soon!
Now on to the Wod that I’m going to do today.


I’ll update y’all later how today goes and how I feel tomorrow will go!

Question of the day!

What were you feeling when they announced 14.2? My stomach dropped b/c I knew 65 was not going to be light for me and I still use a band for my pull ups and if I did get a pull up there’s no way it would be chest to bar. But I also so a PR in my future for my overhead squats even without getting to pull ups if I do that I will be really happy. Last week I strung Double Unders for the first time ever b/c of the open so why not a 30lb PR. Never say Never. Right?



Happy Tuesday everyone!!!! Here’s my last couple wod’s. Hard to keep up while I’m in Orlando but we are heading back to SC today so it will be easier and I will have more time on here! Saturdays wod was a good one! I was really happy with all the wods this week lots of barbell work and I needed that. I also got my double unders, snatched more than I ever had before. So overall it was a good week.

Saturdays’s WOD


I can not remember what my time was with this one but I did push hard to finish. I did my first Round at 35lbs, 2nd at 55, 3erd 60lbs and 4th at 65lbs.

Sunday was my Sunday Fun day Rest day.





Monday’s WOD

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I got less then I did friday. I completed 3 full rounds. Friday I did 3 plus 24. But in my defence I was practicing double unders all weekend and my legs were shot by Monday! I get getting whipped by the rope!

Tuesdays WOD


I did this one in 30:31 I was really happy with my time! I did 14/65 I love wall balls! I know that’s Odd to hear but I practiced them so much before the garage games that I got pretty good at them. Now when you add those cleans into it its a whole different situation! LOL It killed me! If you add it up its 150 wallballs and 150 cleans. And then 100 abmatt situps to end with.

Now that I’m home I should be able to keep up with this much better!!! I’m taking today and tomorrow off and will be back at it again Friday!!!