Posts Tagged ‘back squat’

Today’s wod should be pretty nice to my hands 🙂 Other then the strength but I’m going to wear my grips and tape my hands so hopefully that will not really bother them either.


Back Squat & Front Squats (Doing a 8 week program with both back and front squats and I’m the 4th week)

15 Minute AMRAP
20 Stationary Reverse Lunges
20 Box Jumps 20 (for all)
20 AMSUs


Yay snatches again! I’m still having trouble with my snatches maybe today will be a better day. Fingers Crossed! Yesterday’s WOD was defiantly my least favorite one we have had in a while. I got 24:20, the running did me in. But I did really push I only stopped to catch my breath a few times and really if I could learn to control my breathing I think I could run allot better. It’s never that I’m tiered it’s that I can’t breath. Any advise? Oh and on a positive note I signed up to volunteer at the 1st Garage games in GA! My husband is going to compete and I will be volunteering and cheering him on! I can’t wait!!!!! Any one else going to be there?!?

Today’s WOD

In 12 minutes, work to a heavy single Back Squat
Ex. 10, 8, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1 reps

5 RFT:
5 x Snatch (115/85)
10 x Bar-Over Burpees

3 minute holds of Left/Right Planks

I love this video!!! 🙂 Enjoy!


Wish us luck today! This looks like a fun one! 😦

Strength: Back Squat
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

For Time:
150 x Burpees
EMOM: 10 x Double Unders (40 singles)

10 x Stots Press (AHAP)


Good morning blog world! Today was another roll out of bed and get to the gym by 6 AM morning! Well really this whole week is going to be. Not really looking forward to that, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Right? Todays WOD really wasn’t to bad. It was one of the Awesome girls Isabel. I did my 30 Snatches in 4:38 but it was very scaled. I only had 25lb bar. 😦 There’s no way I could do 30 snatches right now with more weight. But one day it will happen! One guy in our gym can do it in 1:38! Beast! My husband will be going to the 5pm class and is going to try to do his with the girls RX weight. If you do crossfit you know that the guys RX weight is not easy. Brian is in great shape but not great “Crossfit” shape! And there is a difference if you don’t do crossfit most likely you wont understand. I cant wait to hear his time when he gets home. I’m also going to yoga tonight I’ve really been slacking on yoga and I can tell a difference at crossfit. It really does help in a lot of different ways. Especially improves your snatch b/c of helping with your shoulder flexibility. If you haven’t tried yoga I highly recommend it! Okay time for me to do Mommy type things!

Todays WOD


Back Squat
5 x 40%
5 x 40%
5 x 40%
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%


30 x Snatches (135/95)


30 x Sit-to-Stands (20/14)