Posts Tagged ‘toes to bar’


Okay so today’s plan of action is first to do the strength program I started with OCD front and back squats. It’s every Monday and Thursday but I had so much going on Thursday and Friday that today is just going to have to be the second day of it this week. And then I’m going to test out my OverHead Squats to see where I am for doing the open WOD tomorrow. I’m hoping maybe it wont be as bad as I think and I can get maybe 5 or 6? But really I will be happy with just getting one because the last time I did overhead squats (Granted it was 2 or 3 months ago) I did just the 35lb bar. So this is a pretty big jump and a PR for sure! I would hope with how much I have done the last few months that I should be able to do it? But I guess we will see soon!
Now on to the Wod that I’m going to do today.


I’ll update y’all later how today goes and how I feel tomorrow will go!

Question of the day!

What were you feeling when they announced 14.2? My stomach dropped b/c I knew 65 was not going to be light for me and I still use a band for my pull ups and if I did get a pull up there’s no way it would be chest to bar. But I also so a PR in my future for my overhead squats even without getting to pull ups if I do that I will be really happy. Last week I strung Double Unders for the first time ever b/c of the open so why not a 30lb PR. Never say Never. Right?


“Mental toughness is so easy to learn. It’s simply you looking in the mirror during each workout, ’cause every one of us gets to the point during a workout where we look in the mirror and we’re like, ‘Holy crap, I want to quit right now’ … and you have to look in your mirror at that point and just go, ‘Just keep going.'”

—Dan Cerrillo, owner of CrossFit Bellevue in Washington

Today’s WOD

15 Minutes to complete 25 reps of Deadlift at 75% of your 1 RM. If you do not know your 1 RM Deadlift, use this time to establish it.


400m Run
10 K2E
15 KB SDHP 70/53
20 KB Swings 70/53


1 Minute of Right Side Planks, Left Side Planks, and Front Planks.


Good Morning Everyone!!!! How has y’alls week been going? Ours has been good and finally feels like were not quite as busy! It’s nice! Today is going to be another 2 a day wod day! Bring it!

Today’s WOD

15 Minutes to complete 25 reps of Back Squat in as few sets as possible at 75% of your 1 RM. If you do not know your 1 RM Back Squat, use this time to establish it.

12 Minute AMRAP
15 Weighted Step-ups (per leg) 35/25# 24/20″
15 C2B Pull-ups (Pull-ups must be C2B. You may scale by using bands, boxes, or jumping)
15 T2B

10 Unbroken Wall Balls 30/20

I got 2 Plus 20 I scaled pull ups with the red band and that was all. I should have scaled the 25lb plate it was no joke!

Wod 2

40 Minute Time Cap

800m Run
10 Wall Balls 30/20
20 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Front Squats 65/45

I got 28:14 RX (Yepppppp RX BABY!)

PS.. If your new on my page dont forget to check out my Facebook page! Like it! Share it! Love it! ❤ And if you have one let me know so I can check it out and do the same! 😉

Brian And Sara Killing a WOD in our Gym! 🙂



So we are still busy busy busy getting our Garage gym sett up! Saturday is the magic day that it should be done! Here is yesterday’s WOD and today’s WOD. Yesterday’s killed my legs! It didn’t help that even though we worked out the whole time we were on vacation we never really did a hard leg day. So I’m feeling it today. lol

Yesterday’s WOD

Skill/Strength: 15 Minutes of Pistol practice. Work on your scaled Pistols or if you already have Pistols, work on your weighted Pistols. Work up to your 3 RM KB Pistols (per leg).

4 Minute EMOM
2 Squat Clean 205/135 ascending by 2 reps each minute
1 Minute Rest
10 Minute AMRAP (ascending by 1 rep each round)
1 Front Squat 135/95
1 Box Over 24/20
Score for the wod will be total reps for the EMOM/Rounds+reps for the AMRAP.

30 GHD Sit-ups

I finally can do pistols with my right leg!!! Woooop woooooop! Not at all with my left leg. 😦 I got 14 for the emom and 8 plus 15 for the Amrap.

Today’s WOD

Strength: In 15 Minutes complete 25 reps in as few sets as possible of Bench Press, weight is based on your 70% of your 1 RM Bench Press. If you do not know your 1 RM Bench Press, use this time to work up to it.

20 Minute Time Cap
300m Run
20 HRPUs
10 Single Side T2B (total)
*Single Side T2B are performed with your hands in a close grip on the bar. When you bring your feet to the bar you will touch both feet to one side of your hands then bring them back down before touching them to the bar again on the opposite side of your hands. For today’s WOD you will touch your feet to each side of your hands 5 times per round.

15 Board Air Squats. The more on your heels you are, the more difficult they get! Heels on the board, toes off the floor.

A couple Progress Pics of our Garage. It doesn’t look like much has been done unless you would have seen it to start with. But I swear alot has been done!



I can not believe that Christmas is days away! The last couple months have flown by! I have to pack at some point. And do laundry so I can pack. And clean. Geeez too much to do. So the past few days have been all about partner fun! Friday was a partner wod I was glad b/c it was my last workout with my friend Megan before she left for her Christmas Vacation. We kicked butt of course b/c we are pretty awesome 😉 And then yesterday was another partner wod that I got to do with my husband and again did pretty bad ass due to another awesome partner! Well really the best partner ever 😉 Today is a mystery we wont know the WOD until we show up. Last Sunday it was a partner wod and It made my legs non usable for days. lol So I hope this Sunday is just as good! OHHH And I can’t forget to tell ya’ll!!! We are going to do a WOD New Years Eve!!! A box in Orlando (We’ll be there visiting family for the holidays) will be hosting a midnight wod! I’m so excited! I hope it’s a gooooooood HARD one! I’ve been trying to keep up with boxes in Orlando b/c I knew we would have to hit them up while we are there. We have now less than 2 month until the Garage games so this is not the time to take a ton of time off. This is crunch time!

Fridays WOD-

20 Minute EMOM: 3 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull

WOD: Partner WOD
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Ball Slams (30/20)
10 Double Unders (40 singles)
10 Burpees
Partners alternate rounds

3 Minute Hold of Front Plank

Megan and I got 8 Plus 22 RX

Saturday’s WOD

I did the fundamentals class at 830- Worked on kipping, pull ups, T2b, did a mini wod and then relaxed a little bit in between classes until my husband got there, when he got there we ran a mile before the class started (I really have to work on my running for Feb!) Then then the next class started at 10. Saturday is my long day at the gym. And I’m not gonna lie. I love it.

WOD: Team Strongman

1 member works while the other rests
50 Stone-2-Shoulder
50 Deadlift (225/165)
10 Tire Flips
50 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
50 Meter Prowler Push
50 Meter Farmer’s Carry

Brian and I finished in 19:15 S

Sunday Fun Day WOD- Coming soon!



Today was a great WOD! I love partner WOD’s!!! My husband and I kicked some butt today. Our time was 18:40. Not to shabby.

Today’s WOD

WOD: Team Chipper

In teams of 2, complete the folloing in order. One persone works, while the other rests.

100 Goblet Squats (70/53)
100 Single Unders
100 wall Ball Shots (20/14)
50 Power Cleans (135/95)
50 Single Unders
50 Knees-2-Elbows
25 KB Swings (70/53)
25 Single Unders
25 Burpees
