Posts Tagged ‘Crossfit Open 2014’


Happy Monday everyone!!!! Oh and St. Patricks day! 😉 I hope y’all had a great weekend and did some good wod’s! I did 14.3 Friday in our gym and then again Sunday in the gym that we go to. Friday I got 62 reps and I was okay with that, It was not great but at the same time 155 was heavy I was doing one rep at a time so I thought I tried my hardest. Well yesterday when I re did it I got 91 reps! Not only did I get past the point I was at Friday but I blew though it and sett a new 20 lb PR for my deadlift’s!!!! Wooooooop Woooooooop! Now I can’t wait to do a 1RM for my deadlift I know it will be even more! So far the open has had me setting PR’s every week I’m going to be really sad when I do the last open workout! How did this WOD go for y’all??? Did you get more then you thought? A new PR? What do you think the next one will be?!? My guess… Wall Balls, Burpees, Muscle ups, Thursters? That is all the stuff they have missed right? I would be okay with all of it other then the Muscle ups!



Soooo my normal Thursday night consists of watching the clock tick by waiting for the 8 o’clock announcement about the open! When 730 hits I swear time stands still. lol Well anyways when this wod was announced I was pretty excited! Deadlifts are my thing! Iv’e been told now a couple times about my really good form and I love box jumps! I started using the 24 inch box for most of the wods I do even if it only calls for the 20inch. I know mixing the two of these together will not be easy but with how far I can go (Two maybe start the third) I don’t think it will take to much out of me. I’m gonna do a one rep max today and a run though on the wod to get feel for it and a feel for switching out my weights just to see where I’m at. And run I have to run today!!! Can’t start slacking now on running I just started getting better. Ugh. But I still don’t like it! When will I like it? Will I ever like it? 😦


On another note.. A very exciting one at least for me… I just ordered this bad boy! My Rouge Bella Bar!!! I’m so excited! I’ve wanted a womens bar for a minute! The male bar is fine but sometimes I like the womens bar. I hate just putting 5’s on the 45 to make 55. I like to have plates on it. And I’ve gone up alot with weights but not with everything and I want to get stuff down were I can do a few reps the same way each time and know I’m doing it right before I go up. We got the whole set so some more weight. Made sense it was a better deal and when we move we would need to order more weights anyways b/c most of them that we have our my friends. We also got a weight rack, I got a purple band (I’m so close with my pullups!) and a 16lb wall ball. As soon as that baby get’s here I’m doing Karen with it! (150 Wallballs) I am that weird person who likes wallballs!


Question of the day! What do you think of 14.3 and how did 14.2 go? I got 10 Overheads! My goal was 1-3 of them so I was really really really happy with my 10! Overheads will be worked on! I can’t wait to see how far I make it in this one!



Yay! 14.2 is in the books now I’m ready for 14.3!! 14.2 went better than I expected as I’m sure it did for alot of people! I know there was a ton of PR’s out there! So congrats if you got one this week 🙂 I am one of the one’s who got a PR. It was my first time OverHead Squatting 65, the most I have ever done was 35 so a 30lb jump! I’m thinking if I jumped 30lbs that means I should have went up awhile ago. lol But in my defense we really haven’t done many overheads in the last few months for me to even think about it. Now after I got my first my goal was to get 3-5 of them for the wod the next day (65 was still really hard for me!) But I ended up getting 10! It did take me the whole 3 minutes with about 10 seconds to spare. I jumped on the bar and struggled to get my chest to the bar but I really was not prepared mentally at all to even attempt this I didn’t think I would make it that far! lol Now I can not wait to see what 14.3 will be I don’t want to get greedy but my head is getting kinda big with these PR’s! Double unders one week and a 30lb PR another? So what PR will be next week? I can’t believe what the Open is bringing out in me and so many other people and I love it!

On another note.. My husband and I are so happy to be back and working out in our gym again!! lol Here’s a few pics from this past weekend. We really missed our gym! It’s our baby!!! 🙂








This is a great read if you are doing the open! I found this on

*Author’s note: These tips apply to athletes who are serious about posting the best score possible (and/or aiming to qualify for Regionals). If the CrossFit Open is simply a fun challenge for you, then just have fun and hit the workout with your community and friends!

1. Don’t re-adjust your weights or collars! This one drives me insane. Have you ever caught yourself readjusting your plates and/or collars when they are completely fine? This is a mental break/weakness that you need to resist. If your plates are literally falling off the bar, that’s one thing, but a few inches away from the collar is NOT a reason to stop and retighten everything.
I’ve seen athletes waste up to 5 seconds a rep re-tightening their weights. In the case of the snatch ladder, this can mean up to 2 minutes of lost time!

2. You don’t need more chalk! You know who you are. Every time you go to pick up a barbell or jump to the pull up bar, you run to the chalk bucket to lather your hands in the white stuff. We see this often in athletes who are uncomfortable with chest to bar, snatches, and toes to bar. Trust me… the extra chalk isn’t going to magically make you a bodyweight ninja. Push through your mental block and get yourself up to 60 seconds of extra reps!

3. You’re not going to die of thirst! Oh you’re thirsty? I’m sorry… I thought you wanted to prove how ELITE your fitness is. Unless the workout is a 24-hour AMRAP — which is completely possible — you don’t need to drink any water during your WOD. Resist the urge to grab your water bottle and get yourself 20-80 seconds of extra reps!

4. Shirts or skins … not both! Do you start the workout with your shirt on only to remove it part way through? I’m not sure what you think is going to happen. Maybe you think you look like the hulk or that everyone will be impressed by your “Otter” tattoo, but removing your shirt in the middle of a workout is a solid way to cost yourself 5-15 precious seconds.

5. Plan on hitting them twice. Unless you’re a consistent Top 15 Regional level athlete, you better plan on hitting these workouts 2-3 times. Is this healthy? Heck NO! But we’re not concerned about health here. This is a sport and competing in a sport means dealing with some pain, discomfort, and an increased risk of injury. You can gain up to 10% on your score through experiencing how the workout “feels” and improving your game plan the second and third time through.