Posts Tagged ‘Husband’

1544505_10202370597738935_1974801923_nOkay so this past weekend has been very busy! Our gym is a functional gym now! It’s not done, but it works we have done a few wods in there already! Okay so because I’m still super busy with the gym, Bryden and normal everyday stuff I have to make this blog short and sweet. But hopefully we will have the gym done soon and stuff will quiet down and be back to normal and even easier b/c we wont always have to leave the house to workout!

Saturday- Our first wod in our new gym- A WOD that we have to do at the Garage games in Feb.

4 minute ascending AMRAP- 105# (75#) Power Clean with pull-ups (men) burpees (women)

So 1 clean one burpee, then 2 and 2, 3 and 3, and so on.

And then 1 Minute Rest


Kettle bell Swings (35) And Wall Balls (14)

Sunday Fun Days WOD

Run 1 Mile

Rest 10 Minutes

3 Rounds

10 Wall Balls
10 Thrusters (I did 55lbs)
50 Dubs (Scale 150 Singles) I did some of both

Rest 10 Minutes


Kettle bell Swings (35)
AbMat Situps
AbMat Situps

Rest 10 Minutes

Row 1,600 meters


And then at home later that day another WOD for the Garage games in Feb.

5 – 135#/75# Squat Clean, 10 HSPU (scale hand release push-ups X2), 10 Goblet Squats (varying weight to be released). Reduce by 1 sq. cl. 2 HSPU and 2 squats.

I did HRPU and I got 6:43 for time and it kicked my butt. So hopefully with practice I will get that time down! Oh Plus I used 65 not 75! I need to get the extra 10 lbs on there to!

Okay and today’s WoD

Strength: 15 Minutes to complete 25 reps in as few sets as possible of 70% of your 1 RM Deadlift. If you do not know your 1 RM Deadlift, use this time to find it.

600m Row
25 Deadlift 225/155
100 Stationary Reverse Lunges (total)
800m Run

There will be another one at home also that one is undecided right now.

And here are some more Progress pics!




Morning all my Blog followers! Sorry I have been MIA on here the past few days! I’m not really sure how much I’ll be on here this week either. Our Vacation started Christmas Day and we will end the 4th. And even tho we have been on vacation we have not been slacking at all with crossfit. We found a box in Orlando (Crossfit OCD) that we love! If you live in Orlando I recommend them 100%! The owner is great, The gym is great and the wods he does are hard! And if you are in to the competing mode of crossfit then you crave the hard wods. He makes you work if you want to RX the wod. And that is how it is at our home box so to be able to find it here also was great. We also found out what the first 2 WODs will be for the Garage Games!!!! We did a practice run though the other day and will be doing it again soon! The first WOD is 4 minute AMRAP of ascending Ladder Power cleans (75lbs) and Burpees, And then you get a one minute rest in between and the next is 21-15-9 KB (35lbs) And Wallballs (14lbs). It kicks your butt! Soooo Did y’all have a great Christmas?! And did Santa bring you everything you wanted? What was your Favorite gift? So far mine has been this vacation! lol We are doing our christmas New years day so I’ll have to update y’all. Well here are a few pics of our how week has been going so far! 🙂










Today was a great WOD! I love partner WOD’s!!! My husband and I kicked some butt today. Our time was 18:40. Not to shabby.

Today’s WOD

WOD: Team Chipper

In teams of 2, complete the folloing in order. One persone works, while the other rests.

100 Goblet Squats (70/53)
100 Single Unders
100 wall Ball Shots (20/14)
50 Power Cleans (135/95)
50 Single Unders
50 Knees-2-Elbows
25 KB Swings (70/53)
25 Single Unders
25 Burpees



This morning’s WOD was really good. The best part was I dragged my husband to the 6am class with me! My in-laws got here last night so I figured today would be a great day for him to check out my 6am class! I’m not sure if really liked it or not. He said he didn’t but I think he just had the mind-set that he didn’t like working out in the morning and that his body is not at its full strength at 6am. I don’t believe that but I guess I’ll have to research that a little bit. lol. Granted when I get up every morning I lay in bed thinking “Hmmm maybe today will be a rest day” But then I drag my butt up and out of bed get to the box and I’m good to go normally after our warm up! Some times I forget it’s so early until I leave to go back home. I love my morning class. Maybe one day my husband will come around. I mean it did take him a minute to admit he was addicted to crossfit! He was so hard-headed about that.

So Question of the day- Do you like working out In the Am, Afternoon or night the best? And why?

Today’s WOD

In 12 minutes, work up to a heavy single Strict Press

For Time
10-1 reps of Body Weight Cleans
Run 200 meters between each set
Males: 100% of BW
Females: 75% of BW

25 Sit-to Stands

My Time– 22:25 (70lbs)

My new one rep for Strict Press was– 65lbs

Oh and btw only 9 more days till my birthday 🙂 not that I’m counting or anything. lol


Today’s WOD

Deck Of Death…..

Workout Description: Shuffle the deck and split the deck in half. Split the cards between workout partners, Partner A & Partner B. Partner A draws first and completes the appropriate exercise based on the card type. While A rests, B draws a card. Continue until you run out of cards. (Don’t forget the 3..2..1.. GO! Before you start!)

Turn it into a game. Each Partner gets their equal set of cards and begins drawing cards at the same time. The person to run out of cards first, wins. Loser gets 25 penalty burpees.


Number cards represent reps,
1 (Ace) =10 repetitions
Face Cards Represent 15 repetitions
Joker Card represents REST for the partner pulling the card, & 15 Burpees for the OPPOSING partner. Or if going against someone 15 Burpees for that person 🙂

I’m pretty excited to finally give this WOD a try! And hopefully kick my husbands butt! The only changes that we are going to make to it, is we are going to use a full deck each! Wish me luck!!!!



So my husband gets home from work today and is in the kitchen doing random stuff. All of sudden, out of nowhere, he tells me, “so today at work I finally admitted it, I’m addicted to crossfit”! Now I knew this would happen it was just a matter of time. I had to say “I told you so”! I’m pretty happy that we are finally equally as addicted to crossfit!