Posts Tagged ‘ball slams’


Morning everyone! One day behind but here was our wod from yesterday. Our wod for today is still undetermined. It will be more lower body intensive tho because the slam balls from yesterday killed me. lol

9/8/2014 Wod

Warm up
100 Double Unders
3 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 Kbswings
15 Air Squats

Bench Press 1rm (I got 75)

10 Ball Slams 30lb
10 Double unders
10 Burpees

Score- 7 Plus 20 (If we would have had a 20lb slam ball for me we would have been able to better that ball killed me. But more reasons to get on tract with our new strength program. 1rm’s this week and new program starts next week.)

Question of the day- I have started a new WOD, Emom, Everything Crossfit related notebook- What is your fav. WOD, Emom or really anything crossfit related that you have done? Any warm up that just stands out from another? Or wod that you hate but love? Let me know! Looking for new fun wods todo!


Morning everyone! Its another 6 am fun day again today! 😀 And notice double unders are again in the WOD. I really wish our ropes would hurry up and get here!


5 x 40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%


15 Minute AMRAP of:
10 x Ball Slams (40/30)
15 x Deadlift (205/185)
20 x Double Unders


30 x Sit-to-Stand (20/14)


Today’s WOD doesn’t look to bad. But that is number one on the stages of denial! So I’ll just cross my fingers that it really ends up being “not that bad”. We found the ropes that we are going to buy so now we just have to figure out the sizes we need and get those bad boys ordered!


And then let the double under practice began! They will be conquered! My husband and I finally get to do our workout together today for the first time all week! It’s so much more fun when we can go to the same class. We are great motivation for each other and we make a pretty bad ass team on the partner WODs. Just saying! Oh some exciting news, at least if your me. We should be getting t-shirts today finally! Some how we always miss out on the order or have something going on and can’t afford them when they do have them. We have bad luck. lol. But they have some left from the last order and have our size! YAY! Well here is the WOD. I’ve babbled on enough this morning.

Todays WOD-


Front Squat
5 x 40%
5 x 40%
5 x 40%
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%


12 Minute AMRAP of:
Run 300 meters
10 x Ball Slams (40/30)


3 Minute Holds of:
Front Plank
Left/Right Side Plank