Posts Tagged ‘burpee’




Morning how is everyone doing?! We have been pretty busy but here are our wod’s from the last few days even with some pics! 😀

Did y’all do a Special wod for 9/11?

And any new PR’s?! I finally hit the 200’s for my deadlifts so that was pretty exciting!


Morning everyone! One day behind but here was our wod from yesterday. Our wod for today is still undetermined. It will be more lower body intensive tho because the slam balls from yesterday killed me. lol

9/8/2014 Wod

Warm up
100 Double Unders
3 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 Kbswings
15 Air Squats

Bench Press 1rm (I got 75)

10 Ball Slams 30lb
10 Double unders
10 Burpees

Score- 7 Plus 20 (If we would have had a 20lb slam ball for me we would have been able to better that ball killed me. But more reasons to get on tract with our new strength program. 1rm’s this week and new program starts next week.)

Question of the day- I have started a new WOD, Emom, Everything Crossfit related notebook- What is your fav. WOD, Emom or really anything crossfit related that you have done? Any warm up that just stands out from another? Or wod that you hate but love? Let me know! Looking for new fun wods todo!


Good morning everyone!!! So the box I go to when I’m in Florida started 100 burpees a day. Now this is on top of whatever workout you already have planned to do or if it’s just your day off and you can not get to the gym just rock these out. Active rest day! So far I’ve done them 4 days. The first day I was at 9:11 and last night I got down to 8:11 and did them unbroken! Wooop Wooop! Hello PR! I also did not make it though last night’s wod 😦 after feeling really good about those. My husband and I started the wod and when I was on the second 400M run I hit the side of a hole when running around a corner and my ankle slammed over 😦 Thank god I didn’t sprain it. But it hurt pretty bad last night along with my other knee. It got tore up. So that kinda bummed me out last night. But here is the WOD that we were going to do and well my husband did finish. I fully intend on redoing it hopefully this weekend.

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Now for today’s WOD…


I’m going to do regular and then as soon as I finish that I’m going to re-do it but backwards. Marking both my time from the first one and total time for both. I’m not sure If I’m going to do the burpees just b/c of my knee hurting. I don’t think deadlifts will bother but I’m pretty sure falling to the ground over and over would make it pretty mad. I will pick back up with it tomorrow tho.

Well this is all I have time to write today I have to make sure I use every minute Bryden naps to study for my Health Coach Exam with ACE. It’s coming up fast and I want to be ready to knock that out.

If you want to join in on the 100 burpees a day let me know how you do! Remember Pace them.. It’s a lot harder if you burn out after the first 10! Trust me!! 😀



Good Morning Everyone!!! My husband and I just got back from a much-needed vacation and I feel so refreshed and ready to take on the world again! My vacation started with some good mommy and me time for the first week and then a 8 night cruise to the eastern Caribbean. We hit up St.Thomas again so we could get a good wod in during the cruise. We did Fight gone bad. I did increase my reps. Not by a ton but I also did fight gone bad the first time with a 10lb wallball and a 14 this time. So gotta factor that into my results. We also did 300 burpees for time. The first time we did it was last October on our cruise and my time was 59 Minutes this time I rocked them out in 38 minutes!!! Such a big improvement! BOOOOOOM! 🙂 We already booked our next cruise for next april and we will do them again I’m hoping for well under 30 minutes next time! It’s a year out so very realistic goal. I think. Oh and my husband and I did Karen 2 day’s ago. I’m proud to say that I knocked 2 minutes off my time!!!! 10:45!!! My goal is to get under 10 and I think I’m on my way to reaching it! Oh and it was with a 14lb wallball. Brian got 9:45 his goal is to get down under 8.












And now on to our exciting news!!!! We have been talking about this for quite a while now but have finally decided that this will be the best thing for our family and it’s all started to be in the works now. With in the next 1-2 years my husband will be leaving the airforce and joining either the national guard or the reserves. We plan on moving back to central Florida and opening our own box! Now this will be a slow process we want to do all the steps right and be successful and not just jump in to it and fail. My husband and I have known for years we wanted to do something fitness related when he got out of the military but this past year we have both fallen head over heals in love with crossfit and have such a strong passion for it. Being able to do something we both love so much together makes us pretty positive we will be successful. This week has been a week full of getting information as I’m sure the next few weeks will be so we can figure out our best option for doing this. The best thing that could happen is that my husband could get picked up for a year remote before we did this. That would mean Bryden and I moving to Orlando for the next year me able to work and save a ton of money before we got out. That would be the best. But we will see. I’ll keep y’all updated every step of the way! 🙂

Oh here’s our Wod for today. It’s a pretty good one and that’s good because we are going out of town again this weekend for a weekend concert.





Yup I don’t think the slacking will stop until after our cruise in a week. lol I have had so much going on and I feel like it’s pretty much never ending. But here are the last three wod’s I did and today is a rest day so yay… I’m caught up. lol


This one took me forever. lol I’m not sure what the time was I just know I finished and I used the blue band.


This one took me 14:30 I Rx’ed the deadlifts and used 55 for the rest.


Not sure on this one either of time (We seem to run into that issue in our home gym alot. 😦 ) But we did finish it all and I felt like I was gonna die. lol (But not as bad as at the end of 14.5!)


By BoxLife Team

It’s the exercise everyone loves to hate. Buck Furpees, as the not-so-elegant saying goes. Burpees are a simple, straightforward movement. Drop down to the ground in a pushup position, chest and thighs to the floor. Get back up to a standing position in the most efficient, fastest way possible. Jump a few inches in the air with your arms over your head. Repeat. Nothing flashy, nothing complicated. So why all the hate? In my opinion, burpees have been given an unjust reputation. The benefits far outweigh the discomforts. And with 14.4 just round the corner, I have a sneaky suspicion our old friend will be making an appearance. So, to get out in front of the infamous exercise, here are 5 reasons we should learn to love the burpee.

1-The burpee is simple.
I already alluded to this above, but it’s worth some extra reinforcement. No bars, no weights (unless you wanted to wear a weighted vest…yikes), you can carry the burpee with you wherever you go. The burpee is built on straightforward movement standards that a massive range of people can do, and its simple to scale for those who don’t have it yet. Exercise in its purest form, people.

2-Burpees ARE functional fitness.
Can you think of a major muscle group that isn’t utilized in the execution of a burpee? Your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings and abs will all be called into action with every rep, and after a few of the suckers you’re body is going to start feeling like lead. Given that you are required to use your entire body weight to hit a burpee, the movement can be defined as a high-load, high-rep (if programmed as such) exercise. Which is great news, because findings from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning research has shown that high-rep and high-load exercises are effective at increasing muscular endurance.

3-Burpees will boost your anaerobic capacity.
Anaerobic is a word coming from the Greek word “αναερόβιος” which literally means living without air. Sound familiar? Anaerobic exercises are high intensity, short duration (1-2 minutes)-think of a 100m sprint. Now, if you are attacking your burpees with high intensity (easier said than done, I know), you will not only reap the benefits through muscular endurance (as mentioned above), but your lung capacity, heart health and ability to work faster/harder in a shorter amount of time will be significantly increased.

4-Burpees are great for weight loss.
As has been mentioned numerous times, burpees are a full-body exercise, intense exercise that shoots your heart rate up, resulting in large caloric expenditure. In fact, burpees burn up to 50% more fat than conventional strength training, and better yet, they will increase your metabolism for the rest of the day, long after you’ve finished throwing up from them.

5-Burpees are versatile, and they make you think.
Burpee muscle-ups, burpee box jumps, burpee pull-ups, burpee toes-to-bar, burpee…the list goes on. And, you can combine them in with any workout that needs another piece of equipment. Any.
Lastly, the burpee really does make you think. In the midst of the lung-burning, acid-building, vomit-inducing burpee workout, your mind tends to wonder and ask yourself just why exactly you are putting yourself through such misery. When you finally finish, and get that post-wod elation 30 minutes later, you have your answer. Over time, when you see the results in your performance and in your appearance, you’ll know for sure.

And, like me, you may just come to love the burpee.