Posts Tagged ‘pull ups’


Yup! That about sum’s it up for me today. I’m on day two of resting my back from 14.3. I didn’t hurt it per say but I did make it mad so I’m doing my best to get it back on my side and happy with me again. So that might mean even another rest day tomorrow. Siggghhh. My Bella bar and weights came from Rouge yesterday and all I want to do is rip in to the boxes and use my new bar! I have a new wall ball that will be here any day and I want to do Karen as soon as it get’s here. I want to run (well wait, I don’t want to run but I need to run) I want to work on my pullups my purple band came today and I’m so close to unassisted pullups! Sighhhh So much I want to do and all I can do is sit here with it all going though my mind and then new things popping up also! And then of course I have 14.4 that will be here before I know it.

How do y’all fee about rest days and how do you program them into your workout week? I know they are important and we always take them but I try not to take them in a row for this reason. I feel like I will go crazy. lol


Yay! 14.2 is in the books now I’m ready for 14.3!! 14.2 went better than I expected as I’m sure it did for alot of people! I know there was a ton of PR’s out there! So congrats if you got one this week 🙂 I am one of the one’s who got a PR. It was my first time OverHead Squatting 65, the most I have ever done was 35 so a 30lb jump! I’m thinking if I jumped 30lbs that means I should have went up awhile ago. lol But in my defense we really haven’t done many overheads in the last few months for me to even think about it. Now after I got my first my goal was to get 3-5 of them for the wod the next day (65 was still really hard for me!) But I ended up getting 10! It did take me the whole 3 minutes with about 10 seconds to spare. I jumped on the bar and struggled to get my chest to the bar but I really was not prepared mentally at all to even attempt this I didn’t think I would make it that far! lol Now I can not wait to see what 14.3 will be I don’t want to get greedy but my head is getting kinda big with these PR’s! Double unders one week and a 30lb PR another? So what PR will be next week? I can’t believe what the Open is bringing out in me and so many other people and I love it!

On another note.. My husband and I are so happy to be back and working out in our gym again!! lol Here’s a few pics from this past weekend. We really missed our gym! It’s our baby!!! 🙂








Okay so today’s plan of action is first to do the strength program I started with OCD front and back squats. It’s every Monday and Thursday but I had so much going on Thursday and Friday that today is just going to have to be the second day of it this week. And then I’m going to test out my OverHead Squats to see where I am for doing the open WOD tomorrow. I’m hoping maybe it wont be as bad as I think and I can get maybe 5 or 6? But really I will be happy with just getting one because the last time I did overhead squats (Granted it was 2 or 3 months ago) I did just the 35lb bar. So this is a pretty big jump and a PR for sure! I would hope with how much I have done the last few months that I should be able to do it? But I guess we will see soon!
Now on to the Wod that I’m going to do today.


I’ll update y’all later how today goes and how I feel tomorrow will go!

Question of the day!

What were you feeling when they announced 14.2? My stomach dropped b/c I knew 65 was not going to be light for me and I still use a band for my pull ups and if I did get a pull up there’s no way it would be chest to bar. But I also so a PR in my future for my overhead squats even without getting to pull ups if I do that I will be really happy. Last week I strung Double Unders for the first time ever b/c of the open so why not a 30lb PR. Never say Never. Right?


Good Morning Everyone!!!! How has y’alls week been going? Ours has been good and finally feels like were not quite as busy! It’s nice! Today is going to be another 2 a day wod day! Bring it!

Today’s WOD

15 Minutes to complete 25 reps of Back Squat in as few sets as possible at 75% of your 1 RM. If you do not know your 1 RM Back Squat, use this time to establish it.

12 Minute AMRAP
15 Weighted Step-ups (per leg) 35/25# 24/20″
15 C2B Pull-ups (Pull-ups must be C2B. You may scale by using bands, boxes, or jumping)
15 T2B

10 Unbroken Wall Balls 30/20

I got 2 Plus 20 I scaled pull ups with the red band and that was all. I should have scaled the 25lb plate it was no joke!

Wod 2

40 Minute Time Cap

800m Run
10 Wall Balls 30/20
20 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Front Squats 65/45

I got 28:14 RX (Yepppppp RX BABY!)

PS.. If your new on my page dont forget to check out my Facebook page! Like it! Share it! Love it! ❤ And if you have one let me know so I can check it out and do the same! 😉

Brian And Sara Killing a WOD in our Gym! 🙂


Morning all my Blog followers! Sorry I have been MIA on here the past few days! I’m not really sure how much I’ll be on here this week either. Our Vacation started Christmas Day and we will end the 4th. And even tho we have been on vacation we have not been slacking at all with crossfit. We found a box in Orlando (Crossfit OCD) that we love! If you live in Orlando I recommend them 100%! The owner is great, The gym is great and the wods he does are hard! And if you are in to the competing mode of crossfit then you crave the hard wods. He makes you work if you want to RX the wod. And that is how it is at our home box so to be able to find it here also was great. We also found out what the first 2 WODs will be for the Garage Games!!!! We did a practice run though the other day and will be doing it again soon! The first WOD is 4 minute AMRAP of ascending Ladder Power cleans (75lbs) and Burpees, And then you get a one minute rest in between and the next is 21-15-9 KB (35lbs) And Wallballs (14lbs). It kicks your butt! Soooo Did y’all have a great Christmas?! And did Santa bring you everything you wanted? What was your Favorite gift? So far mine has been this vacation! lol We are doing our christmas New years day so I’ll have to update y’all. Well here are a few pics of our how week has been going so far! 🙂










Sunday Fun day WOD

40 Minute Time cap
5 Rounds for time

Run 400
10 Thursters 135/95
15 Burpee Medicine ball Box Jumps 24/20
20 C2B
25 Medicine ball Abmat situps 20/14

****I did 3 Rounds Plus 44 (S) 55lbs for thursters and 12 for med ball, Green band for C2B