Posts Tagged ‘Santa’

I’m so excited it’s Christmas Eve! Bryden will have his first Christmas eve and Christmas here and then we are going to Orlando and he will have another one down there! Santa got a letter to let him know that Bryden would be down there! 😉 Two Birthday celebrations two Christmas celebrations what a lucky baby! Hopefully I can have self-control and not eat to many cookies and rice crispy treats! I hope y’all have safe and great holidays. I’m sure I will post a couple of times from Orlando but I’m not sure how many. Okay I have to get going I have so much to do! I’ll leave you with a few pictures from our lights night. 🙂






CH-Santa-Weight-Lifting-002So I just thought I would make a Christmas list to Santa. You know just in case! 🙂 I feel like everyday I come home from the gym with another crossfit idem on my list of things I feel like I need. lol Did y’all make a list to Santa? And if you did how much crossfit stuff was on there?!?

Santa I’ve been very good this year. These are just a few of the things I would love to see under the tree 🙂

1. New wrist straps! I’ve lost one pair and I am borrowing my friends I would love some pretty new ones. I’m sure they would help me with all my lifts. il_570xN.421866290_rrda

2. Reebok Nano Speeds! If its possible for something to help with lifting AND running I need these! Just saying!reebok_custom_shoes_nano_speed_thumb

3. A Bar. Please. Pretty Please. I need to work on Overheads and Snatches, Oh and cleans, Hang Cleans, Back Squats, Do I keep going on? I think its pretty obvious I need one. lol bella-bar-h1_3

4. Well If I get a bar. You know the next thing I would LOVE is some Bumper Plates! hi-temp-bumpers-h2

5. Chalk! I would love my own chalk so I don’t have to venture to the one bucket we have at our box when I’m on the opposite side of the room! primo-chalk-32-oz.-loose-web-h1

6. A pull up bar! Please. Pretty Please.. I’m not even going to ask for a super fancy one this one would make this girl pretty happy!!! 152-p5v-pullup-system-web-h1

7. Def need a medicine ball! Who doesn’t need to work on Wall balls? Right? 124-dynamax-medball-web-h1

8. A Box! I love love box jumps! And I really need to practice to get bounding and increase my jump height! I think it only makes sense that one of these are under the tree this year! wood-plyo-box-web-h1_1

9. A new Shaker bottle Mine is on its last leg of life! rogue-bottle-web-h1

10. PROGENEX! If you want to leave me a year supply I would be okay with that 😉 And if you could make it Peanut Butter I would be realllllly okay with that! Well and maybe with some Java Mocha mixed in. But really I’m not going to be picky. Any would make me very happy! 1391931_460944440693645_870292844_n

11. And this is the last thing I will ask for this year.. And I think what I want most… A Pull up with no Band and more then one Muscle up with the Black band. Please. Pretty Please. I mean, I have been really good all year! 😉 images (1)