Posts Tagged ‘Garage games’



Happy Tuesday everyone!!!! Here’s my last couple wod’s. Hard to keep up while I’m in Orlando but we are heading back to SC today so it will be easier and I will have more time on here! Saturdays wod was a good one! I was really happy with all the wods this week lots of barbell work and I needed that. I also got my double unders, snatched more than I ever had before. So overall it was a good week.

Saturdays’s WOD


I can not remember what my time was with this one but I did push hard to finish. I did my first Round at 35lbs, 2nd at 55, 3erd 60lbs and 4th at 65lbs.

Sunday was my Sunday Fun day Rest day.





Monday’s WOD

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I got less then I did friday. I completed 3 full rounds. Friday I did 3 plus 24. But in my defence I was practicing double unders all weekend and my legs were shot by Monday! I get getting whipped by the rope!

Tuesdays WOD


I did this one in 30:31 I was really happy with my time! I did 14/65 I love wall balls! I know that’s Odd to hear but I practiced them so much before the garage games that I got pretty good at them. Now when you add those cleans into it its a whole different situation! LOL It killed me! If you add it up its 150 wallballs and 150 cleans. And then 100 abmatt situps to end with.

Now that I’m home I should be able to keep up with this much better!!! I’m taking today and tomorrow off and will be back at it again Friday!!!


Sooooo.. How did the Garage games go? GREAT! I had a great time, I’m happy with where I placed and I cant wait to do it again! WOW talk about addicting! lol I placed 43 out of 70. Not to shabby because I have only been doing crossfit 100 percent committed for 6 months and we started off with a big competition and with scaled instead of Beginner. And thank god I did scaled because I think I would have been very sad if I would have done less then that. Scaled was hard but I liked that challenge! I had faster time’s with all 3 Wods. So I was also happy with that. But I think that is the case for pretty much everyone there. My husband did great also! The next one we do we are gonna do a team me and him! I can’t wait. Its not until October so we will be ready to kill it by then! It was pretty funny, on our car ride back it was my husband, our friend Megan who also competed and I and we all agreed that we were taking a few days off. Well the next day my husband and I looked at each other and decided that we just wanted to run. Well then about 15 min’s later I was like “What if we do a easy Wod?” You know something not to crazy. And even tho he wanted the day off other then running he did not fight me. So we end up down there and about 10 min’s after we start working on some 1rm’s Megan pulls up! LOL None of took the day off! But I did get a couple PR’s! 105 Front Squat (5 lb Pr) And 115 Back Squat (15 lb PR) WOOOOP WOOOOOP!

Here are some pics from this past weekend! I also have a few videos and hopefully this weekend I should have a few more pics and videos!




























Garage Games ONE 2014

Here’s the link to watch the Garage games live!!! My heats will be tomorrow around 9, 1 and 320-4ish!!!!! This is it packing the car, downing coffee and heading to ATL! 😛 See y’all Monday!!!! Thanks for all the support y’all have shown me!

Sorry I have been MIA for over a week now. I have had a lot going on including my arm and elbow being in a lot of pain. I had a doctors apt last week and got told basically it was like tennis elbow. And with how hard I have been working it really didn’t surprise me. Well the next day my arm was covered with a rash so I had to go to a walk in clinic because it was the weekend and was told it was Shingles. (And this is apparently brought on by stress. Made sense with stuff going on right now and with the garage games coming up) This could not be a worse time for this to happen. Not only does it make you sleepy, it puts my arm in a ton of pain, I have to wrap it when I’m around my son or out and about b/c its catchy (You can not get shingles but if you have not had chicken pox that is what you would catch) the Garage games are in less than 2 weeks now. Sighhh. I’m still working out but it’s not easy for many reasons. I’m hoping that the meds start to work asap and that I have a short case of this. Short would be about 2 weeks but it can last up to 5-6 weeks. Even longer Sighhhhh. But This is also why I have not been on here. I’ve been resting whenever I can hoping to get rid of this. I hope y’all are doing good and hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon! Fingers crossed!

Morning all my Blog followers! Sorry I have been MIA on here the past few days! I’m not really sure how much I’ll be on here this week either. Our Vacation started Christmas Day and we will end the 4th. And even tho we have been on vacation we have not been slacking at all with crossfit. We found a box in Orlando (Crossfit OCD) that we love! If you live in Orlando I recommend them 100%! The owner is great, The gym is great and the wods he does are hard! And if you are in to the competing mode of crossfit then you crave the hard wods. He makes you work if you want to RX the wod. And that is how it is at our home box so to be able to find it here also was great. We also found out what the first 2 WODs will be for the Garage Games!!!! We did a practice run though the other day and will be doing it again soon! The first WOD is 4 minute AMRAP of ascending Ladder Power cleans (75lbs) and Burpees, And then you get a one minute rest in between and the next is 21-15-9 KB (35lbs) And Wallballs (14lbs). It kicks your butt! Soooo Did y’all have a great Christmas?! And did Santa bring you everything you wanted? What was your Favorite gift? So far mine has been this vacation! lol We are doing our christmas New years day so I’ll have to update y’all. Well here are a few pics of our how week has been going so far! 🙂










Today’s WOD is going to be done once a week until the Garage games in February! Its a good combination of Double unders and Running. Both that I need to work on big time. I ended up doing it at home because it looked like it was going to start raining (Which it did) and I really wanted to do the running and not have to sub the rower instead. I was pretty proud of how well I was able to push myself with out being around everyone. Six months ago I don’t think I could have pushed that hard with no one around. I would have ended up stopping and walking at some point or not counting all my reps for the jump rope. Something I never do when I’m at the gym. So Today was successful.

Today’s WOD

For Time:
Run 1 Mile
50 Double Unders (200 singles)
Run 800 meters
50 Double Unders (200 singles)
Run 400 meters
50 Double Unders (200 singles)

My Time- 20:58, 10 doubles per round the rest singles