Posts Tagged ‘Water’


Interesting….SKIP THE SODA!

Came across this information this morning and thought I would share! It was some new information for me and I found it pretty interesting.

1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 30%.

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

And now for the properties of COKE

1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the “real thing” sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.

4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

7. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.


1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis.

2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly corrosive materials.

3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

At the animal shelter,it is used coke to remove calcium deposits from the water pans about ever 6 months.

Now the question is, would you like a glass of water or coke?

♥♥♥Please SHARE ♥♥♥


November Goals- Accountability!

November goals

1. Okay of course my first one is going to be Drink at least 2 of my East Cooper glasses of water a day! I’m just going to add to this with to remember to take my vitamins every day also! I’ve really been slacking with those.

Okay I drank my water for the most part… And did not do good with the vitamins.

2. To use the Blue Band for pull ups!!!! By December I really think I should be to the blue band for pull ups! We do enough now that I do see why I wouldn’t be!

Crushed this goal!!! I can do pull ups with the red band and I’m pretty sure I could do the purple band if I had kipping!

3. Paint my nails at least once. I always think to myself, “I am going to paint my nails!” Then I get distracted and do something else to keep myself busy. I think it is important to take time to relax and make yourself feel pretty. So this simple goal will be for me to paint my nails and be a lazy sometimes! 🙂

Never did this 😦

4. Breathing! I neeeed to work on my breathing so I can rock out these WODS better! This is a necessity that really needed to happen awhile ago!

Did work on this I think its getting better.

5. And to go along with breathing Running! If I can get my breathing under control I need to work on my running! Now that it’s nicer I’m going to try to go for 1-2 runs a week.

Did not do this. I really hate running. But I started working on my running a couple days ago and It will be in my December goals. I need to get running for the Garage games in Feb!

6. Okay my last one is to find out my new height for box jumps. The last one I could do was 24 inches. I hoping I can put one Plate or even maybe two on it!

Did this!! My new Max is 30 Inches!

Okay time for new goals!!!!

December’s GOALS-

1. Get all my Christmas shopping done by December 10th and not have to worry about last minute shopping. christmas-shopping1

2. Work on my Kipping and move on to the purple band or NO band for my pull ups!

3. Get my nails and feet done! Its very over due.

4. Water again.. (Continue to) drink plenty of water – as the holidays get closer and life in general gets busier and busier it can be increasingly hard to be mindful of water consumption. I usually have no problem remembering to drink up but staying well-hydrated is always a good goal to keep in mind for general wellness and to maintain optimum energy levels.

5. Be able to run two miles without stopping! I dont care if I have the fastest time I just want to be able to do it. images (2)

6. Work on my T2B and be able to Rx them in a workout.

Okay everyone! Your turn! Accountability! What are your December Goals??? And how did your November Goals Go? 1450133_10202080772053474_1454046789_n


Thank you Eat To Perform for this great info!

A balanced diet is your best bet when it comes to achieving your fat loss goals; carbohydrates, fat, and protein are all important for different reasons and things don’t work quite as well when you remove, restrict, or eat too much of either one. When I suggest that you “keep the carbs in”, I don’t mean that you should go to extremes and base your diet on cookies and soda. If you have been following ETP for a while, you already know that. When I mention “carbs”, I mean “starches”. Starches are essentially a plant’s gift to human athletes.

Let me explain why this is important, especially for folks that are trying to lose those last few pounds.

Why Starches Are an Important Part of Your Diet

What it basically comes down to is cell health. When you reduce the amount of food you eat, whether you’re tracking calories, carbs, fat, or protein, you are damaging yourself at a cellular level.

Specifically, starches are important because they’re a great source of glucose (the preferred energy source of most tissues of the body). Glucose is hydrophillic i.e. it carries water into the cells of your body. When you drastically cut carbs, the cellular machines that runs your body (the organelles) become dehydrated and brittle. As the fluid within the cell turns to goop, all of a sudden it’s hard to get anything done – it’s difficult to transport nutrients into the cell, difficult to make ATP (cellular energy currency), difficult to repair and dispose of damaged organelles…Heck, it’s hard to even maintain the structure of the cell wall! A dehydrated cell is literally being crushed from the outside by the ectoplasm surrounding it.

A well-hydrated cell is a healthy cell. Going on a small tangent, this is one of the reasons creatine is such a useful supplement. It’s hydrophilic too, and it helps your cells absorb and hold onto glucose and water.

Inflammation Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

Inflammation is basically your body’s response to heal itself. It’s an immune response and it’s pretty useful and healthy on an acute, day-to-day basis. When inflammation sets in and never turns off, however, it becomes a problem. Chronic inflammation is where your body is asked to heal itself so often it becomes resistant. As an example, this is where obesity becomes pretty dangerous because it can lead to other degenerative diseases as the body’s immune system becomes overused. Many of these people would in fact benefit from a more conscious approach to carbs, fats, proteins, and the quality of their food sources.

For people who eat in a mostly balanced way, a dramatic reduction of carbohydrates will result in a substantial amount of fluid weight loss (water weight). Now, some of that fluid is in fact fat, but it’s basically like using a machine gun to kill a spider. Not only is it not necessary, but it can become destructive. Once again I feel like always have to qualify when I say things like this, but the majority of your foods should in fact be meats and veggies with a low emphasis on process foods.

What Happens When You Drastically Reduce Carbs and Sodium

Gatorade as an example is a carb drink, but as most people know, it’s salty. This isn’t by accident – carbs basically provide some level of hydration to your cells and sodium aids the electrochemical bond that helps this process along. When you take a conscious approach to eating carbohydrates, you strategically use carbs and sodium for a specific response – namely, you feed your cells for the times you work out. Does this mean you shouldn’t enjoy starches and salt outside of your workouts? No it does not, but do realize that if you can keep your intake of carbs and sodium at manageable levels throughout the day, that is favorable. Which begs the question: why is it favorable? It’s favorable because your body (cells) absorb nutrients best around the times you are asking it to do stuff. The basic principle of our book Met Flex for Fat Loss is that you use carbs to fuel workouts and fats the rest of the time keeping protein at adequate levels.

When a healthy person tries to lose those “last few pounds” by dramatically reducing carbs and sodium in, effect what they are doing is drawing the water out of their cells. No, it’s not just their fat cells, which is why the response is often so dramatic. If you keep carbs and sodium IN, you get a more true response related to fat loss, a less skewed number on the scale, and you keep your cells relatively healthy. (Frankly your body would rather have a healthy fat layer.)

The Four Truths of Food

1. Quality of food: The majority of your diet should come from meats and veggies.

2. Quantity of food: When the majority of your diet comes from meats and veggies, it’s much easier to manage calories and contrary to popular belief, how much you eat (energy balance) does in fact matter as it relates to fat storage and fat loss.

3. Variety: Whether we are talking about carbs, fats, or proteins, a good assortment of each does a good job of filling in the gaps that your body needs for micronutrients (vitamins).

4. Timing: This is always the ironic part because we sell a book that is essentially about timing macronutrients (carbs, fats and proteins). The reality however is that the timing of macronutrients is not ALL that important. It is helpful for optimization as far as healthy people are concerned, but for people looking to achieve health, the first three truths are much more important.

How this looks in real life is that you should be mostly fed, most of the time. Even in the case of people with a lot of fat to lose, a much more gradual approach is almost always the best way to go. You strategically move towards a better way of both eating and moving (moving is also pretty important as it relates to cell health). For people that aren’t obese or are lean, the goal should be to diet very sparingly, if at all. This serves two purposes: it keeps your cells healthy and happy, so when you decide to go after a little fat loss, the math of a caloric deficit works in your favor. Taking your carbs down from say 300g to 250g on workout days, or even 200g or 150g than pays big dividends.

The same goes with fat. 100 grams of carbs is 400 calories and 20 grams of fat is 180 calories. That’s a HUGE deficit for active folks. If you can pull this off for shorter periods of time only occasionally, your fat layer will become more manageable. For relatively lean people, the story gets even better; no dieting may be required. For many of them that fat “below the navel” exists because they aren’t feeding their muscle appropriately. Muscles want to be hydrated, so for lean folks restricting carbs in an extreme manner, hydrating your cells actually can lead to better aesthetics.


Thank you Eat Smart Workout Hard for this information! 🙂 It’s great info!

So, you want to make progress with your health goals — but, how can you do that effectively?

The main areas to think about are always going to be healthy eating and sticking with your workouts — these are extremely important but just as hard to maintain over the long haul.

However, there are other important lifestyle changes which will help take your progress to a whole new level. and eventual all else will fall into place.

Here are 5 lifestyle changes to increase your fitness success dramatically:

1. Improve your sleep quality
Your sleep quality is essential for success… maybe that sounds crazy but that’s what I’ve found this past week while attending the Mayo clinic health and wellness symposium.
Sleeping poorly at night, or staying up too late, is not only going to make you crave more carbohydrate rich foods, but you’ll be more likely to struggle in recovery from your workout sessions, not to mention how it will effect your daily activities.

So, how can you do better with your sleep?
Try these tips :

-Get comfortable — mattress, pillows and bedding.
-Reduce noise-
-Sleep in a cool, well ventilated room.
-Make sure the environment is dark enough.
-Reserve your bed for sleeping — no work allowed!
-Some researchers believe that people who do not have a TV in their bed rooms sleep better.

2. Focus on daily movement
The gym is not the only exercise you need to get in. While intense workouts are extremely important, it’s those people who are more active on a daily basis, who really notice a difference in their overall body composition. So keep it moving.

3. De-stress regularly
Stressed out? If so, it’s time to take control of that, before it starts to control you!

Stress is one of the leading causes of psychological and physiological problems, so looking after yourself now is certainly worthwhile.

Tips for avoiding stress, include:

-Deep breathing techniques.
-Exercise — Pilates, jogging, or whatever you find de-stressing.
-Positive thinking, reducing negative thoughts within.
-Going to a quite place, taking a bath, reading a book.
-Avoiding “toxic” people. AKA Haters
-Laughing — even when you don’t feel like it.

4. Eat something new
One reason for getting bored with “healthy eating,” which I’ve discovered in my own fitness life. As a result you end up bored with your clean “diet,” and not eating enough fruits and vegetables, etc.

To help solve this problem, begin making an effort to try one new piece of produce every week.

Whether it’s a new seasonal fruit for a snack between meals, or a vegetable you’ve been meaning to have for some time, doing something different like this on a regular basis will help you stick with the plan and avoid boredom.

5. Set micro-goals
This probably should have been number 1. This journey is a slow step by step process. SO many people try to take major leaps uo front and burn out then quit. This journey is about sustaining. It is not a race. Setting daily mini-goals can really help you move forward to reach your goals.

These should be small statements, which you want to accomplish. Think of them as tiny steps closer to your end goal, bit by bit reaching your potential.

These micro-goals should be simple and entirely possible for you to achieve that day. For example, “I will eat 2 portions of fruit, and 5 portions of vegetables today.”

Micro-goals are wonderful, because they really boost your level of self-belief, in other words, you start to believe you can ‘get it done’.

Over time, this could mean the difference between you staying the course, or falling off the wagon, because you don’t feel like you’re progressing fast enough.

So, there you have it, 5 small steps to success!

What challenges do you face in trying to change your lifestyle?


Happy new month y’all! Time for November goals!!! A couple of days late but that’s okay. Once again like I did for the September goals I’ll re post in December and let y’all know how I did. Accountability!

November goals

1. Okay of course my first one is going to be Drink at least 2 of my East Cooper glasses of water a day! I’m just going to add to this with to remember to take my vitamins every day also! I’ve really been slacking with those.

2. To use the Blue Band for pull ups!!!! By December I really think I should be to the blue band for pull ups! We go enough now that I do see why I wouldn’t be!

3. Paint my nails at least once. I always think to myself, “I am going to paint my nails!” Then I get distracted and do something else to keep myself busy. I think it is important to take time to relax and make yourself feel pretty. So this simple goal will be for me to paint my nails and be a lazy sometimes! 🙂

4. Breathing! I neeeed to work on my breathing so I can rock out these WODS better! This is a necessity that really needed to happen awhile ago!

5. And to go along with breathing Running! If I can get my breathing under control I need to work on my running! Now that it’s nicer I’m going to try to go for 1-2 runs a week. 618114c0e88a348918930d1dfc5f0621

6. Okay my last one is to find out my new height for box jumps. The last one I could do was 24 inches. I hoping I can put one Plate or even maybe two on it! crossfit-kids-page (1)

Okay everyone! Your turn! Accountability! What are your November Goals??? 🙂


Okay here we go- This is how Sept went

September goals

1. First and most important is getting everything in order so I can start my second certification and a couple courses. I want to get my ACE Health Coach certification, take a Nutrition/Weight Management course and Sports Performance course. By October I want to be working on these!

Okay- One goal met- Check! Everything is in Order, I’ve recived my books and I’m working on getting my certifications!

2. I need to get a tan for our cruise October 5th! Its a 7 day eastern Caribbean cruise. Normally I’m always tan all summer long but this summer was a little bit different with our 8 month old son. My pool time is pretty limited and the beach really hasn’t happened this year.

This did not happen! LOL but I did get tan on the cruise! IMG_0508

3. To drink water, water and more water. At least 4 full East Cooper cups a day of water. My East Cooper cup is the one I got at the hospital when I had Bryden and it is 28oz. So that should be a pretty good amount of water.

2nd goal met! Check! 🙂 I think some days I far exceeded this amount! I feel so much better when I’m drinking enough water!

4. To do crossfit at least four days a week if not five days.

3rd goal met! My husband I have been doing it five days a week and right before vacation six days. Six days was a tad much and our bodies were very happy they got a nice break! 004

5. Move to the blue band for pull ups!

I’m not sure I think I might be there I haven’t attempted it sence we have been back. I’ll try the next time we do pull ups! I know when I used the green band yesterday it was really really easy. So hopefully that’s a good sign! 52e26a99b6f7040b9f0608613b6dd175

6. Work on my handstands! (I need to have them good for the cruise! I need pictures at all the different beaches don’t I?)

Improved them but still want to keep improving and move up to walking! Got lots of good handstand pics on the cruise! IMG_0263

7. Really get back into my meal planning. Last week went really good so now I just have to keep it up and not slack! We feel so much better when we cook at home and we try all different healthy meals. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring or taste horrible! And we save so much money when I meal plan. I plan a week of meals go to the store once and that’s it for the week. No random store trips. Saves a ton and I mean a ton of money! When does anyone ever go in the store for one thing and come out with only that one thing? I know we NEVER do!

Well this didn’t happen I was to concerned with the vacation to really concentrate on doing this. But now I’m in full meal planning/Coupons/Saving money mode! Need to save for our next Cruise! 452408b7976203560dc6c4a11144bcc9

Sense October is almost over I’m going to wait till November and do a list of November goals!!! Who wants to do this with me?!?! 😀 I think it’s a great way to work harder on sticking to them!