Archive for the ‘Nanos, Chalk, Determination’ Category


Good morning everyone!!! How’s your weekend going so far??! Mine has been pretty good. My husband had to go out-of-town for the day to Alaska (I think that sounds so cool to be able to say that. lol) but will be home tonight and ready to wod! Woop Wooop! 😉 I have a good one picked out for him so he should be a happy husband. Hopefully we can have a fun family fun day tomorrow. I’m not sure what we are gonna do but we will find something! Okay well because it’s just me here I have to make this short and sweet because the baby is calling 😉 Here’s our WOD!

For Time

12 Bear Complex 75/45
12 Clean + Jerks 75/45
12 Snatches 75/45
9 Bear Complex 95/65
9 Clean + Jerks 95/65
9 Snatches 95/65
6 Bear Complex 135/95
6 Clean + Jerks 135/95
6 Snatches 135/95
3 Bear Complex 155/105
3 Clean + Jerks 155/105
3 Snatches 155/105


So Nancy was yesterday’s WOD. I did it in the middle of the day I think it was upper 80’s not sure if it hit 90 or not and pure sunshine for every one of my 400m run’s. I was not a fan of the sun at all. lol. Now the funny thing is 2 hours before I had gone to the pool to lay out and I would say the sun was out 30 percent of the time so I figured for sure it would not be out with how many clouds were in the sky for every last one of my runs. Well I was very wrong. Either way I rocked out Nancy. I did it in 19:41 with a 45lb bar. I think I could have maybe done 55 but each sett would have been broken a few times and I’m not 100% sure I was ready for that yet. Next time tho. And there will be a next time in the next few weeks.

This was my “I just killed a wod, I feel like I’m gonna Die, I hate Nancy, But you know I crossfit and we love to take pictures picture”. 🙂 lol



by Erica Saint Clair

I often hear muttering around the gym post-WOD, as people share high fives and “good jobs”. You can hear a low buzz of athletes minimizing their workouts. A small hum of “yeah, but I scaled”. It seems that along the way we have lost faith in one of the major tenants of CrossFit and fitness in general – universal scalability. While putting an Rx’d next to your name post-WOD can often feel like the pinnacle of success, here are seven reasons that those three little letters shouldn’t be the end all be all of your goals.

1. Everything is scaled.

Who is to say that in a few years the Rx’d requirement for jump ropes isn’t triple unders? Who cares if you don’t have double unders yet, it doesn’t mean you didn’t get all hot and sweaty mid-WOD.

2. Your body matters.

Sure throwing an Rx’d up on the board would be AWESOME! Don’t get me wrong, I love pushing myself to those letters, but if it means pulling my back to hit the deadlift weight? Ill take a few less letters and a few more WODs in my future.

3. You are your own competition.

It’s easy to hate the athlete who can come in rocking out pullups when you have been using the band for Yeah, I know, you want off the band, but there is just as much victory going from a green to a blue band as there is from a blue band to no band. Comparing yourself to someone else is just a recipe for disaster. There will always be someone better than you.

4. Work is work.

One can get lured into the idea that your workout is less difficult because you scaled. That’s a lie. Putting your 100% on the line, even with scaled weights, is no easier than the guy next to you putting 100% on the line. Sure, Froning’s 100% can do more than yours, but that doesn’t mean your 100% feels like easy Sunday mornings. It still hurts, and it should.

5. Form matters.

Yes. Seriously. It does. Doing crappy pushups just to put an Rx’d by your name doesn’t help you grow. It’s better to do them from your knees using the right muscle groups and the right range of motion than doing them from your toes like a worm. It will pay off someday, I promise.

6. Baby steps.

Progress is progress no matter how small. Look back to last year – see how far you have come? Stop thinking your WOD is worthless unless you hit the skills written on the board. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither were it’s gladiators. Have patience, you will get there.

7. Fitness is never ending.

So you get Rx’d by your name, what next? I’ll tell you what’s next, you start trying to cut time and add weight. Fitness is not a destination. Rx’d is just a mile marker on a never ending journey. Sure, it’ll be great when you pass that marker, but it’s not like when you do you can put your feet up and call it a day.


Okay what is the dish on these? To me? They looked like bird seed! I used them for the first time this morning making homemade popsicals. (Recipe coming soon as long as they turn out yummy!) Now I had no idea what health benefits that you got from them so I had to do some research and figure it out. It was pretty surprising how good these bird seed like seeds are for you! So here the information I found on them. If you haven’t used them I think it wouldn’t hurt to give them a try and if you have what are your favorite ways to use them?

Chia Seeds

Ch-ch-ch-chia! The fuzzy green novelty items may be the first thing you think of when you hear the word chia, but these tiny superfood seeds are the reason Chia Pets get their lush coating. Nowadays, chia is becoming better known as a great source of healthy omega-3 fats and fibre, and fortunately it’s an easy food to add to your diet.

Chia seeds come from a flowering plant in the mint family that’s native to Mexico and Guatemala, and history suggests it was a very important food crop for the Aztecs. It’s remained in regular use in its native countries, but was largely unknown in North America until researcher Wayne Coates began studying chia as an alternative crop for farmers in northern Argentina about 29 years ago.

Coates started his work on chia in 1991, and since then has become an advocate of the tiny seed’s health benefits. The human trials are limited —as is often the case with food research— but the anecdotal evidence of chia’s positive health effects include boosting energy, stabilizing blood sugar, aiding digestion, and lowering cholesterol.

The little seed — which comes in either white or a dark brown and black color — also has a huge nutritional profile. It contains calcium, manganese, and phosphorus, and is a great source of healthy omega-3 fats. As an added benefit, chia seeds can be eaten whole or milled, while flax seeds have to be ground before consumption in order to access their health benefits for example.

When you’re buying chia, both the white and black seeds are good choices, but Coates warns to make sure you’re getting a good quality product by avoiding either red seeds (immature chia seeds), or black seeds that are smaller than regular chia seeds (weed seeds). Coates sells the seeds himself, but they are available from many different health food stores and supermarkets.

So once you’ve got your seeds, how to you add them to your diet? “The easiest way is to add it to everything and anything,” Coates says. The seeds are tasteless so they won’t affect the flavour profile of your food, which makes them easy to integrate into your meals. They can be sprinkled whole on top of salads or toast or added milled to smoothies, and Coates says that some of his customers even add them to ice cream. (And yes, you can even sprout it and eat it that way too!)

10 reasons to add chia seeds to your diet:

Combat Diabetes
Chia is being studied as a potential natural treatment for type-2 diabetes because of its ability to slow down digestion. The gelatinous coating chia seeds develops when exposed to liquids-can also prevent blood sugar spikes.

Get More Fibre
Just a 28-gram or one-ounce serving of chia has 11 grams of dietary fibre — about a third of the recommended daily intake for adults. Adding some chia to your diet is an easy way to make sure you’re getting a good amount of fibre, which is important for digestive health.

Stock Up On Omega-3
Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, with nearly five grams in a one-ounce serving. These fats are important for brain health. “There’s better conversion of omega 3s into the plasma or into the food than with flax seed,” said researcher Wayne Coates.

Stronger Teeth And Bones
A serving of chia seeds has 18 per cent of the recommended daily intake for calcium, which puts your well on your way to maintaining bone and oral health, and preventing osteoporosis.

Don’t Forget Manganese
Manganese isn’t a well-known nutrient, but it’s important for our health: it’s good for your bones and helps your body use other essential nutrients like biotin and thiamin. One serving of chia seeds, or 28 grams, has 30 per cent of your recommended intake of this mineral.

Plenty Of Phosphorus
With 27 per cent of your daily value for phosphorus, chia seeds also helps you maintain healthy bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also used by the body to synthesize protein for cell and tissue growth and repair.

Pack In The Protein
Chia seeds also make a great source of protein for vegetarians and don’t have any cholesterol. One 28-gram serving of these super seeds has 4.4 grams of protein, nearly 10 per cent of the daily value.

Fight Belly Fat
Chia’s stabilizing effect on blood sugar also fights insulin resistance which can be tied to an increase in belly fat, according to Live Strong. This type of resistance can also be harmful for your overall health.

Get Full. Faster
Tryptophan, an amino acid found in turkey, is also found in chia seeds. While tryptophan is responsible for that strong urge to nap after a big Thanksgiving dinner for example, it also helps regulate appetite, sleep and improve mood.

Improve Heart Health
According to the Cleveland Clinic, chia seeds have been shown to improve blood pressure in diabetics, and may also increase healthy cholesterol while lowering total, LDL, and triglyceride cholesterol. All good news for your ticker!


This information was found at

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I’m ready to give this one another go!!! Hopefully there will be no falling tonight and I can finish strong!!!! 🙂

Here’s a couple pictures from Monthers Day weekend 🙂






Okay first of all I want to start my blog off by wishing a happy mothers day to all the amazing Momma’s out there! I hope y’all had a great weekend! I relaxed for the most part of my weekend other than doing coupons. My husband brought me to get brunch Saturday (A attempt to skip the crazy busyness of mothers day on Sunday) It worked. I mean it was still busy but no wait to get seated so that was a plus. I got a great present from son and husband. They got me a WOD Diary. It’s great it has a spot for everything plus is full of wods! And on top of that in the back of it he put pictures from my first mothers day when my son was still in my belly, from last year and this year 🙂 With little message’s that Bryden helped him write 😉 It was really sweet and I love love love it! My end to mothers day was just as good as it started we finished with a wod of my choice and getting a new 1rm for my back squat. I jumped up 10lbs! So i’m at 125 now! I’m pretty happy with that. I’m going to start using 130 tho for my percentages to hopefully help with a bigger jump next time. The wod I picked was Annie. I just got double unders for 14.1 and have not practiced them much at all. I’m really not sure how I still have them lol I figured that would be a good one and start off my double under practice. I’m going to try to do 100 DU’s everyday (on workout day’s not rest) as my warm up. Or part of my warm up I should say. It took me a little over 14 minutes to finish Annie. If you are not familiar with it, its 50 40 30 20 10 Double unders and AMSU. Hopefully when I redo this one in a month or so its a much better time. My husband killed it finishing in 10 Minutes.

How did Mothers day go for y’all?!? Any sweet stories you want to share?

Now on to I had heard about this awhile back and have been seeing it pop up on my facebook feed more and more. Well this morning I took a minute to look at it and check out what it is and after checking it out I figured what could it hurt and made one for us. Here is the link if you want to check it out. I really don’t know what to expect from it but I guess we will see.