Posts Tagged ‘WOD’

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Good morning everyone! I hope y’all had a great weekend! This is a recap of my past couple wods. My husband and I both got PR’s with Karen yesterday!!!! WOOOP WOOOOP! 😀 I not only PR’ed it but shaved 2:15 off my time for a time of 830! I’m not sure what today’s wod is going to be. Hopefully when my son naps today I can figure it out, Finish my coupons and study our crossfit stuff. Fingers crossed! But speaking of my son he just woke up so gotta go!!!

I want to throw a thank you out to all my followers I know I have struggled with keeping up with this and y’all have stuck by and kept reading so thank you! Hopefully when my son is 7 or I don’t know maybe 18 my life will hopefully slow back down! lol



Morning everyone! Here are our wod’s from the last couple days! Its been a fun 5 days and now its time for our two days off and they are well earned! But now what to do on our rest days?

What are some of y’all s fav things to do on your rest days?!?





Morning how is everyone doing?! We have been pretty busy but here are our wod’s from the last few days even with some pics! 😀

Did y’all do a Special wod for 9/11?

And any new PR’s?! I finally hit the 200’s for my deadlifts so that was pretty exciting!


Good morning everyone!!! How’s your weekend going so far??! Mine has been pretty good. My husband had to go out-of-town for the day to Alaska (I think that sounds so cool to be able to say that. lol) but will be home tonight and ready to wod! Woop Wooop! 😉 I have a good one picked out for him so he should be a happy husband. Hopefully we can have a fun family fun day tomorrow. I’m not sure what we are gonna do but we will find something! Okay well because it’s just me here I have to make this short and sweet because the baby is calling 😉 Here’s our WOD!

For Time

12 Bear Complex 75/45
12 Clean + Jerks 75/45
12 Snatches 75/45
9 Bear Complex 95/65
9 Clean + Jerks 95/65
9 Snatches 95/65
6 Bear Complex 135/95
6 Clean + Jerks 135/95
6 Snatches 135/95
3 Bear Complex 155/105
3 Clean + Jerks 155/105
3 Snatches 155/105


LOL! I am not doing Fran today because that is def not a active rest day wod but when I saw that it made me laugh so I thought I would share. That would be a rest day fail for sure.

Today’s WOD (Active Rest Day)

Run 1 mile
50 Double Unders (200 Singles)
Run 800 M
50 Double Unders (200 Singles)
400m Run
50 Double Unders (200 Singles)

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Hello all my amazing blog followers! I’m so sorry for my slacking starting even before summer! We (as a family) have just had so much stuff going on. I don’t see it slowing down alot for the next 6 month but it has slowed up some so here I am. And hopefully no more slacking from me!

So lets see. We have alot of catching up to do. Let me try to make it short & sweet for y’all. I don’t want to bore you with my first blog back! 😉

Here are a few updated pics of our new home Garage gym. We have added a couple new wall balls, a new kbell, and a rower. I think we are pretty well set for now. We love our gym. We basically only workout at home now other then when we are in Florida and then we go to Crossfit OCD.




We have been training pretty hard all summer. The only downside to doing all our workout’s at home is the heat. Our old box on base was air conditioned and for a box that is rare. So lucky them all summer. lol But I did look up the benefits to training in heat and humidity and there are some major benefits. So I’m really looking forward to fall to see how it helped out overall. (I’ll Post a different blog with information on training the heat) And we never worked out in the prime of the heat and sun. Well I can not say never but rarely. Most were done around 7 so it was normally down in the mid 90’s instead of 100 plus. Plus no direct sun.

Here are a few of my fav pictures from the summer















Our summer consisted of alot of handstand pictures and pistols pretty much anywhere we went. lol Yes we are those people. And we are okay with it! 😉 The last picture was one of the days we were watching the crossfit games! 😀 First time I was in cute crossfit stuff looking cute and fresh! I was pretty excited b/c we had ESPN 3 on our Xbox360 so I was able to enjoy ALLLLLLL Every second of the crossfit games! Now because our son was 18 months at the time it took us a little bit longer then it should have and we had to avoid getting on facebook to make sure we didn’t find anything out but It was worth it! We had so much fun watching everything and cheering everyone on and I was very happy with the outcome! 😀

Okay lets see what other things happened? I passed my Health Coach test! So I am now a certified personal trainer with ACE and Health coach and hopefully very soon I’ll have my level one for Crossfit!!!! 😀 My husband and I going to try to get it this fall or Christmas time frame. We have to get it before February next year because we also found out he will be leaving for a year deployment to Korea. After Korea he will be separating from the airforce and joining the guard or reserve and hopefully with in the next 1-2 years we will have our own box opened somewhere in the central Florida area! We also are wanting to get our Level 2 when he gets back from Korea so we can open our Gym with both having our Level 2’s. Fingers crossed everything will workout. But no worries I will keep y’all updated on everything! Like I said no more slacking from this girl!


Oh I also really kicked my butt into gear with eating right. I went and did the bod pod in June and was pretty disappointed with what happened. Pretty much when the lady went over my results she pulled out the 1 pound of muscle and 1 pound of fat to show me what both look like. Now she had no clue that I already knew that and a ton more. So I let her go over it all. And basically it was sad that for how I was busting my butt what my body fat was at. Higher then it had been most likely ever in my life even though I was working out so much harder then I ever had. I had gained 9 lbs of muscle so that was a plus but it was a wake up call that I needed to start eating right. Eating right is key. Just because you bust your butt everyday it does not give you the right to eat whatever you want and put bad stuff in your body. The right food is key to a happy healthy body. Well after I left that was it I really committed to eating right and cutting drastically back on my wine. And you know what? It worked. I Confused and Amazed not only the lady who did my test yesterday but the other lady who did my test 3 months ago. My results were great and apparently something they do not see happen very often. It was a very dramatic difference. I’m now at a lower body fat then I have ever been even when I only weighed 126 and I now weigh 135! 😀 I still have some more bad body fat to lose mainly in my tummy from having a baby. But I’m okay with that. I left super happy!



Well I think the only think I have left to share is a few of my fav. non crossfit pictures from summer. Sorry again for my slacking ways! Wods, Recipes and daily wods are back in full gear! 😀 I hope y’all had a great summer also!












